
Reading strategies:

Reading- Continue reading your own book or choose a new one to begin.

Read for 15 minutes everyday

Answer the questions in your book.

Use the heading in Bold and write your answers underneath each heading

Thinking Within the text

  • Maintain Fluency- Read aloud two or three pages. Read dialogue and phrasing with expression that reflects the characters.

  • Adjusting- Change style and pace of reading to reflect the text.

  • Visualising. Draw a picture to represent what you visualised when reading the text.

  • Summarising- If you were to tell a person about this text in a few sentences what would you tell them?

The first video discusses finding the main idea which will assist you in finding the main idea of your text and then you summarise the main idea/ideas.

The second video gives you some ideas about what to write about in your summary.


Everyday you need to be practising your spelling words. Monday is for your sort. You have a copy of your words and below are some videos to go with each group. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you practise your words using one of the spelling grid activities and then on Friday you ask person in your house to test you on 10 random words form your list or they may add in other words that they know have the same spelling patterns,

spelling group

Spelling Group 1

Spelling- You are working on the suffixes- ‘ary’ as in imaginary; ‘ery’ as in bravery and ‘ory’ as in category. Are there any that don’t have that pattern? They are an oddball as there are only a few in the English language that have that pattern. Look at the sounds the suffixes make. Are there any that have a different sound to the spelling?

week7 sg2-4.mp4

Spelling Group 2, 3 & 4

Spelling- This week you are focusing on irregular past tense. Last week we looked at making words past tense by adding ‘ed’- such as hop becoming hopped. We are now looking at words that change the spelling and don’t follow the rule of adding ‘ed’.

An example is ran- ‘I am running to the shops.” Which is the present but if I did it yesterday I would say ‘I ran to the shops’.

w7spelling group 5.mp4

Spelling Group 5

Spelling- You are working on the ‘OR’ sound this week. There are some different spellings for this sound- AW as in saw; ORE as in more; OAR as in soar and OOR as in poor. Your oddballs are words that do not fit those spelling patterns.


5/6 Me and My Family Activities Board
5/6 Family Writing Project Rubric.docx
Project about Projects[1].pdf
  • Over the next two weeks you are going to complete the mini project

  • Me and My Family: Right Here, Right Now

  • In the information pack there is a suggested time schedule.

  • Learning Intention:

We are learning to do our own research to create an information text that is based around myself and my family.

  • Success Criteria:

I use the assessment grid to assist my understanding of what is required and how I present my information.

I completed all the non-negotiable tasks and chose a selection of tasks to make at least 10 points.

I created a piece I am proud of.