This week in Grade 3/4...

Week 11, Term 4


Reading - This week the students concluded the year by watching the movie "James and the Giant Peach" (1996). This was followed by the completion of a film review to help consolidate our thinking by making comparisons between the film and the text. Students are also participating in Reading Rotations three days per week to help consolidate their knowledge in Grammar, Punctuation and in a Focus Group.

This week they read and answered questions assigned to a 'Kids News' article entitled 'Santa gets special permission to travel at Christmas.'

Writing - Students have investigated how to write a letter, making sure to include all five components: date, salutation, body, closing and signature. Some wrote letters to Santa, while others chose to write to friends, family members or teachers.

Jolly Grammar - Jolly Grammar has come to a conclusion for 2020. To further reinforce correct spelling practices, students participated in some festive themed crosswords, word searches and word puzzles.


This week the students revised their knowledge for Maths, completed festive-themed activities and played Maths Games during their lessons.

For Maths Processes, students have continued the second round for each process (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Math Application presentations have finished this week. Make sure to ask your child about their contributions to their group and how their presentation went!


As assessment of our Inquiry Unit 'How and why are these places similar and different to Australia?’ has come to an end, we are now furthering our knowledge of the North and South Poles. We continued on with the previous week's activities to help us consolidate our understanding.

Important Dates & Upcoming Events

  • Breakfast Club- Monday, Wednesday and Friday

  • No Lunch Orders

  • No Icy poles this week

  • Guard of Honor for Gisela at school 11:55pm on Friday

  • School finishes at 1:30pm this Friday

There was no Homework this week!

If you ever have any concerns or questions, please feel free to pop in and visit or if you’d like to arrange a time to meet, our emails are available via Compass.

As a team, we have been very lucky to have a cohort of extremely supportive parents who contributed a huge amount of effort towards the children's education. We thank you all very much for not giving up during this turbulent year and hope that you all have a very happy and safe holiday.

Kind Regards,

The 3/4 Team

Cheree, Jane, Elise, Andrew, Emma, Amy & Michelle