Week 6, Term 2

Monday 18/5/2020 - Friday 22/5/2020


Group 1: Vowels & Alphabetical Order
Group 2: 'ai' & Alphabetical Order
Group 3: 'le' & Paragraphs
Group 4: 'or' for the /er/ sound & Changing Verb Tenses.

  • Writing - 6+1 Trait: Ideas (below)

  • Writing - Science Report (below)

  • Grammar activity (below)

  • Vocabulary activity (below)

  • News article (below)


  • Essential Assessment - 'My Numeracy' - all misunderstood concepts

  • Point of Need Maths (teacher email)

  • Maths Application (below)


  • Science Experiment (below)

  • Homework Sheet (below)

  • Mrs Pearce's Tuesday Challenge (below)

  • Mrs Carr's Friday Challenge (below)

Upload your completed work into this week's folder (make sure you create a folder for yourself). View the presentation from the previous weeks to remind yourself how to do this if needed.

Ideas - Focusing the Topic
Ideas: Focusing the Topic Template

Writing: Ideas - Focusing the Topic

This week, we are looking at focusing the topic. Have a look at the slideshow on the left and follow the steps to complete the writing task.

You can use the template on the left to help you complete Task 4 from the slide and you can upload the template to your shared drive folder once completed.

Remember, this week's focus is taking a giant topic and narrowing it down to tiny topics so that you can write about them in more detail.

Science Report Structure

Writing - Science Report

Remember, you will also be completing another science report as a part of Inquiry this week. The template is on the left for your convenience and the experiments for the week are below.

Prefix Practice- Week 6.pdf

Grammar activity

Your Grammar activity this week is all about Prefixes.

A Prefix is a group of letters, also known as an affix, that you put in front of a root word, which then changes the meaning of the original word.

For example: 'happy' when you add the affix 'un' in front of the word, the new word becomes 'unhappy'.

Your task is to use the template provided to explore Prefixes.

Happy exploring!

Week 6_ Vocabulary.pdf

vocabulary activity

Your task this week is to explore your Jolly Grammar list words. You are to choose 5 of your Jolly Grammar words to search in the dictionary. Of course, if you don't have a dictionary you can search your word using an online dictionary.

Students are to read the meaning and then try and come up with their own meaning of the word in their own words. This will really help to deepen your understanding of the word.

To further consolidate your understanding try using the word in a sentence OR come up with some Synonyms or Antonyms for your word.

A template has been created for you if you choose to use it.

W6_Sea turtles thrive as COVID-19 keeps humans off our beaches _ KidsNews.pdf
W6_SKA radio telescope to look back in time to the Big Bang _ KidsNews.pdf

News Article

Articles (choose one or do both!): "Sea turtles are nesting in record numbers as humans stay away from the world’s beaches"


"Australian-made radio telescope to study the Big Bang and discover secrets of our universe"

Click on the links to access the articles or print them off using the attached PDF (left).

This week, after reading through the article(s) and completing the "QUICK QUIZ", answer the question at the bottom of the article(s) for "HAVE YOUR SAY":

  • What does this story tell you about humans and their effect on sea turtles?

  • Where would you visit if you could travel back in time in a time machine?

No one-word answers. Use full sentences to explain your thinking.


If you like reading articles like these, check out Kids News for more awesome and interesting content!

Point of Need Maths

Each week, your teacher will email you an Essential Assessment sheet for you to consolidate your misunderstood concepts. You will receive one sheet each for Patterns & Algebra, Shape and Data. Once you have completed these, you can upload them to the student shared drive like you do for the rest of your work. Each sheet is provided with answers for you to correct yourself or work through with a parent.

M&M Probability Project

Maths Application

Focus: Probability

Have you ever looked at the sky and wondered whether it would rain? Or bought dozens of raffle tickets to increase your chance of winning? Or asked the most important question of all... "What colour will I get when I reach into a bag of M&Ms... or any other bag of lollies?"

Well, this is your chance to find out! Use the document on the left and grab a packet of M&Ms (or another packet of lollies/food with different colours that you have at home). Follow the instructions and answer the questions.

However, before you start, make a prediction (an educated guess) about what you think the results may be. At the end of the project, reflect on your prediction - was it accurate/correct?

Science Experiment

Making slime.

A fun activity.


You must have a parent with you to conduct this experiment!

They all use safe home ingredients.

Have fun!

What to remember! You are to then follow up with writing a procedure telling what you needed, how you did the experiment and the results you gained. This is your Science, Writing Report for the week.

Week 6.pdf
Week 6 Answers (2).pdf

Homework Sheet

Super 7 Homework sheet for Week 6 are to be completed as per usual.

Students will have been sent home with their Jolly Grammar Pupil books, so they are expected to practise their spelling on the back of these sheets as well.

Answers will be posted here on Friday.


Mrs Pearce's Tuesday Challenge

This week I challenge you complete a Math Mosaic to reveal the picture. You have three options: Addition, subtraction or multiplication. You will need to work out the answers to the sums, then colour each square according to the key at the bottom of each page. You can attempt one or all.

Good luck!

3D Shape Problem Solving

Mrs Carr's Friday Challenge

I challenge you to attempt this 3-D shape problem solving activity.

Looking forward to seeing your creations!


In the space below, your specialist teachers will post weekly Art, Music and Physical Education lessons for you to complete at home.

Visual art

grade 3 and 4 week 6.pdf


Performing Arts


Physical Education



To keep active and do something a little different we are going to do some exercises! Below is a description of what each exercise is, I'm sure you've heard them before.

EQUIPMENT - Two dice and some up beat music of your choice!


  • Put on your music

  • Roll the two dice, add the two numbers and everyone completes the exercise that corresponds to that total. Refer to the image below.

  • Continue to roll the dice and perform the matching exercise until you have completed all exercises and/or have worked out for about 15 minutes.

2 Lunges-Keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed and chin up (pick a point to stare at in front of you so you don't keep looking down). Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle.

3 Jumping Jacks-Stand upright with your legs together, arms at your sides. Bend your knees slightly, and jump into the air. As you jump, spread your legs to be about shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms out and over your head. Jump back to starting position.

4 Hi Knees- Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lift up your left knee to your chest. Switch to lift your right knee to your chest. Continue the movement, alternating legs and moving at a sprinting or running pace.

5 Push ups- Get into position on your knees arms stretched out inline with your shoulders. Bend elbows and lower chest toward the ground, then push back up.

6 Crunches-Lie down on your back. Plant your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Bend your knees and place your arms across your chest. Contract your abs and inhale. Exhale and lift your upper body, keeping your head and neck relaxed. Inhale and return to the starting position.

7 Skaters-From a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, slowly step your left leg back diagonally behind your right leg. Lower into a lunge until your knee almost touches the floor. Return to standing and reverse the movement, stepping the right leg behind your left and lowering into the lunge.

8 Mountain Climbers-Start in a plank position on all fours with arms and legs long. Pull your right knee into your chest. Quickly switch and pull the left knee in. At the same time you push your right leg back, pull your left knee into the chest using the same form. Pull the knees in right, left, right, left—always switching simultaneously so that you are using a “running” motion.

9 Squats- Stand with your feet hip- width apart, bend your knees, and squat your butt back and down then lift up pushing through your heels.

10 Butt kicks- Run on the spot making sure the back of your heals just touch your bottom.

11 Jump ropes (no rope)- Make the action of jumping a skipping rope.

12 Burpees- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms by your sides. Bend your knees and reach forward to place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs straight out behind you and immediately lower your entire body down to the ground, bending at the elbows. Use your arms to quickly push your body back up and hop your legs back under your body. Jump straight up into the air, reaching your arms overhead. End with your knees slightly bent, and go directly into the next rep.