PDHPE Electives

Introductory Dance


Contact: Mrs Brown

This subject provides students with opportunities to experience and enjoy dance as an artform as they perform, compose and appreciate dance. In an integrated study of the practices of performance, composition and appreciation, students develop both physical skill and aesthetic, artistic and cultural understandings. The course enables students to express ideas creatively and to communicate physically, verbally and in written forms as they make, perform and analyse dances and dance forms. Students will be expected to work individually and in-groups to meet course requirements. This course aims to foster dance skills from any level; from the beginner to the advanced. Students will predominantly be required to participate in practical dance lessons, which will be complemented with relevant theoretical skills. Students interested in careers in dance, drama, performing arts, human movement, sport and recreation and teaching will benefit from this course.

Materials/Equipment: Black dance uniform, Laptop

Cost: $10.00 for costume materials and lesson resources.

Introductory Sport Studies

Contact: Mrs Brown

Sports Studies offers excellent opportunities for students to explore the science of sport and different sports in more detail than in the core PDHPE course.  

This course is essentially a theory based course allowing students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in anatomy and physiology, factors affecting performance, training methods, the health and safety aspects of physical activity, sport in Australia and contemporary issues in sport.

Materials: Sports uniform, laptop, pens and pencils. Students will be required to participate in and meet the costs, in some units of work, for the excursions to the various venues

Cost: $10 per semester for consumables 

Introductory Recreation Studies

Contact person: Mrs Brown

This elective provides an introductory course involving aspects from the recreation elective.  Students will participate in a variety of activities such as: golf, archery, rock climbing, bocce, croquet, lawn bowls, bike riding, table tennis and aquatic activities.

The elective will include theory components to complement and reinforce the practical activities.  Students who have an interest in sport, recreation and leisure activities are encouraged to participate in this elective course.

Materials/Equipment: Sports uniform, laptop, pens and pencils. Students will be required to participate in and meet the needs of the costs of, some units of work which require excursions to some venues. 

Cost: Cost will vary depending on the sports chosen and excursion activities up to $30.00 approx per semester