Year 8 Taster Elective Selection

General Information

All students entering Year 8 at Wagga Wagga High School are required to study 

To give each student a wide range of experiences they will be required to study two (2) of the elective subjects listed each semester (two terms).  Students cannot study the same electives in both semester 1 and semester 2. 

Students will be asked to complete their elective choices online. Students will be emailed a weblink and unique login to make their choices. Students need to choose their electives by selecting their four preferences in order. 

A Parent/Caregiver signature is required to indicate that students have discussed their choices. 

High demand courses will fill quickly, so it is most important that selections are made promptly. However, we cannot guarantee that all elective subjects listed will actually run – this is dependent on a sufficient number of students wanting to study a particular subject.  

Students should choose subjects of interest to them. This should also allow them to make wiser choices of electives to study in Years 9 and 10. Towards the end of Year 8, students will be asked to select three (3) elective subjects for Years 9 and 10.

Parents or caregiver should also take into account the fees attached to some electives. If students select electives with fees, parents or caregiver will be expected to pay these fees. Student assistance is available for families that are experiencing financial difficulties. 

Parents or caregivers are asked to discuss the subject offerings with their child and ensure that students make their selections promptly.

2024 Year 8 Elective Subjects

Introductory Drama

Introductory Music

Introductory Visual Arts


Wiradjuri Nation

Introductory Dance *

Introductory Sport Studies ^

Introductory Recreation Studies

Introductory Commerce

Introductory Agriculture

Introductory Food Technology

Introductory Graphics

Introductory Electronics

Introductory Metalwork

Introductory Woodwork

Introductory Jewellery Design

Introductory Multimedia

Introductory Textiles Technology

* Semester 1 only

^ Semester 2 only