Compulsory Subjects


Contact person: Mrs Lucas

Proficiency in English enables students to take their place as confident, articulate communicators, critical and imaginative thinkers and active participants in society.

English involves the study and use of language in its various textual forms, encompassing written, spoken and visual text.  Students in English experience a wide range of language activities and learn by using language.  Learning occurs as students use language to speak, listen, read, write, view, observe and reflect upon the processes of their own learning.

Students will experience and respond to a wide range of texts including novels, short stories, poetry, drama, non-fiction, film, media and multimedia – offering insight into a diverse range of perspectives as shaped by individual or cultural experiences.

Students will also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of enrichment activities including debating, public speaking, writing competitions, drama performances and excursions.

Assessment is based upon a class assessment program run in conjunction with formal assessment tasks across each year.  Students will be assessed across all language modes (reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing).  


Contact person: Mr Chittick 

In Year 8, Students are actively involved in learning, doing and using mathematics to solve problems.  Opportunities are provided for students to explore, manipulate, estimate, calculate, draw, measure, abstract, describe and deduce in the search for patterns and relationships leading to the development of concepts and generalisations.  Through a range of activities, students learn mathematical skills in problem-solving, geometry, measurement, data, number and algebra.

Assessment is carried out by class assignments, tests and formal examinations which may include common components across classes.

A scientific calculator is essential (these are available from the Front office at a cost of $20).


Contact person: Mr Wray

Geography is about our world and how people impact on it. The Year 8 Geography course enables students to enjoy and take an interest in their world. Students achieve this as they develop geographic knowledge, understanding, skills and values, and become more informed and active citizens.

In Year 8, students look into issues such human processes that shape and transform our different physical environments. We also study how globalisation is changing and impacting upon our lives both within Australia and globally. We will look at the flow of goods and services and how globalisation is changing travel, production, technology and transport.

Assessment is based on class tasks, research and field study reports, including the application of geographical tools throughout all coursework.


Contact person: Ms Atkinson

History is about people in the past. History students investigate the lives of people and the events they lived through, using sources and artefacts that have been left behind. This allows us to look at our world today with an understanding of how events have unfolded over time.


The Western and Islamic World: Medieval Europe; Expanding Contacts: Australia and one other society; The Asia-Pacific World: Japan Under the Shoguns or Polynesia. 

Assessment: One formal assessment task per topic, such as a research assignment or source study; all course work is included in assessment so it is essential to keep up-to-date with class tasks.

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Contact person: Mrs Brown 

The focus of this course is to assist students in valuing and practising responsible health behaviours. Students will develop skills to enable them to manage contemporary personal development, health and physical education issues by participating in planned activities involving: critical thinking group and individual tasks, and decision making. 

Physical Education is concerned with the individual development of students through the medium of movement.  It aims to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to allow students to understand, accept and lead a healthier lifestyle.  Physical Education provides opportunities for students to develop their skills in a number of movement areas.

Personal Development and Health concerns itself with students’ attitudes to and knowledge of health.  Each unit studied will be assessed by using:  topic tests, assignments, presentations, group work, research tasks, physical performance and a level of participation and application.

Materials/Equipment: Sports Uniform, pen and pencils, laptop


Contact person: Mr Curry

Science and its applications have a significant effect on individuals and society as a whole. To be successful as 21st Century learners and cope with technological change, individuals need to develop scientific problem solving skills. The aim of the course is to provide students with experiences in science which will contribute to their understanding of the world around them.  Junior Science is a multi-strand course which means that traditional subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology are studied as interrelated disciplines.  (The environment we live in does not present information as separate disciplines). 

In Years 7 and 8 (called Stage 4), students are assessed within their classes and across their course by common assessment tasks.  Validation of Assessment for Learning and Individual Development (VALID) is a task which will be completed on-line. Students receive a Stage 4 Certificate at the end of Year 8 for completing all course requirements.

Core Music

Contact person:  Mr Wright

All students in Year 8 are provided with the opportunity to develop their skills in the areas of performing, composition and listening. A range of styles including Music for Film and TV, Electronic Dance Music and Rock Music will be studied, with students exposed to a broad range of repertoire. The diversity of music that reflects Australian culture is also explored.

Core Visual Arts

Contact person:  Mr Wright

Visual Arts has a significant role within the curriculum as it helps students understand the artistic process, including the different kinds of creative works that can be made by themselves and others.

Traditional forms of art making skills are covered, as well as encouraging creative and confident use of technologies.

Our course begins with drawing skills, and then each term students explore themes in greater depth with some historical and critical study which investigates the world of art related to the theme. 

Cost: $20 per year

Equipment: Visual Arts Diary, lead pencils, eraser, colour pencils and ruler.

Mandatory Technology 

Contact person: Mr Cowell / Mr Trenaman

Technology provides experience in a range of technology areas. The design and development of quality practical projects gives students the opportunity to identify problems, investigate existing solutions and develop and evaluate alternative solutions. The diversity of design projects and technologies caters for a variety of student needs.

Areas include:

This course provides the basics of design and technology education for future technology/computing subjects.


Cost:  $30 for consumable materials.