Spanish Beginners

People, places and communities


Activity 1 – me presento

Five people introduce themselves. Listen to their introductions and to complete the activities which relate to each person.








Question 1

Read statements about Jorge, or Choche, as he is called. Choose Verdadero if the statement is correct, or Falso if it is not correct.

  1. Choche comes from a large family.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  2. Choche was seven years old when his family moved to Madrid.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  3. Choche's background has helped him become bilingual.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  4. Choche does his homework at school before he goes home for lunch.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  5. Choche's taste in music is varied.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso

Question 2

Listen to statements taken from Choche's introduction. Match each statement with the most appropriate alternative expression you hear (A, B or C).


Jorge mcq q1.mp3

Soy hijo único.

  • A
  • B
  • C


Jorge mcq q2.mp3

Tengo carácter sociable.

  • A
  • B
  • C


Jorge mcq q3.mp3

Vivo en España hace doce años.

  • A
  • B
  • C


Jorge mcq q4.mp3

Me encuentro bien aquí.

  • A
  • B
  • C


Jorge mcq q5.mp3

A los vecinos les causa fastidio.

  • A
  • B
  • C

Offline activities

Answer the following questions in English.

  1. Do you think Jorge is happy with his life? What leads you to this opinion?
  2. Suggest what Jorge can do to overcome problems related to his favourite leisure activities.
  3. You are a reporter interviewing Jorge. Based on the information in his introduction, prepare three questions you would ask him. For each question, write the most likely response Jorge would give.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.




Answer the following questions about Isabel in English.

  1. What is an interesting feature about Isabel and her family?
  2. Is the following statement true or false? Isabel will be sitting for her HSC exam this year.
  3. Describe Isabel’s attitude to school.
  4. How has Isabel’s experience last year affected her life?

Offline activity

Apply your understanding of Isabel’s personality and interests and write a response in English to the following question.

What advice would you give Isabel to help her get through her school studies?

Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.




Choose the correct ending to each statement. Then check your answer.

  1. Fabián Rosales:
    • (a) has finished school.
    • (b) is going back to school in Spain.
    • (c) is attending school in Australia.
  2. Fabián says that:
    • (a) he brought his surfboard with him from Spain.
    • (b) he goes surfing every morning with his friends.
    • (c) there are good surfing beaches in Spain.
  3. Fabián and his friends will be:
    • (a) leaving Sydney in two weeks to fly back to Spain.
    • (b) surfing at different beaches in Sydney over the next two weeks.
    • (c) taking a trip up the north coast in two weeks time.
  4. The main purpose of Fabián’s trip in two weeks is to:
    • (a) set up a blog to communicate with all his Spanish friends.
    • (b) find the best surfing beaches along the coast.
    • (c) get to Fraser Island as soon as possible.

Offline activities

  1. Prepare a list of questions in Spanish you would ask Fabián and his friends about their time spent in Australia. Then, with a partner, role-play the interview with Fabián, or one of his friends to practise asking and answering the questions you prepared.
  2. Imagine you are Fabián Rosales. Write the text of your first blog entry as you leave Sydney. Include your impressions/feelings about your stay in Sydney.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.




Complete the following text about Marcela by filling in the missing words from the list below.

List of words:

    • están
    • conocer
    • menor
    • sociable
    • abuela
    • ayudar
    • familia
    • ellos

Marcela vive con su ... en una ciudad de la costa. Ella es ... que sus hermanos. Sus padres ... siempre muy ocupados con el trabajo del restaurante. La ... de Marcela vive en casa con ... . A Marcela le gusta mucho ... a sus padres durante las vacaciones. Le gusta ... a las personas que visitan Málaga en verano. Marcela es una chica ... .

Offline activity

Imagine that you are Marcela. It’s the summer school holidays. One of your friends has invited you to her place for lunch tomorrow, and then to meet other friends in town in the afternoon.

Write your friend a note, an email, or an SMS, or leave a voicemail, in Spanish, explaining why you can’t go. Base your response on what you heard in Marcela’s self-introduction.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.




  1. What is the relationship between Milly and Isabel?
  2. What do Milly and Isabel have in common?
  3. Comment on Milly’s leisure activities.

Concluding activities

  1. Complete the table (Word 68 kB) with relevant information about Jorge, Isabel, Fabián, Marcela and Milly. Then, check your response. (Word 69 kB)
  2. Compare the personalities of the five people. Do any of these people have something in common with you? Choose one person and compare how that person is similar or different to you in personality, character, likes, dislikes etc.
  3. Choose one of these people to be your e-pal. Explain why this person would be a suitable choice.

Activity 2 – un anuncio comunitario

You are in Chile staying with a host family. Listen to the following announcements on the local community radio station.

Radio announcement.mp3

Question 1

Match the Spanish expression in the left column with its English equivalent in the right column. Check your answers when you have finished.

  • que se llevarán a cabo
  • se desarrollarán
  • un cursillo
  • tomará
  • las colinas
  • rodean la ciudad
  • se ha planeado
  • al atardecer
  • pondrán en prática
  • sus deztras
  • which will take place
  • they will be held
  • a short course
  • the hills
  • in the evening
  • will put into practice
  • it will go along
  • has been planned
  • their skills
  • encircling the town

Question 2

Read the following statements about the community announcements you heard. Choose Verdadero if the statement is correct, or Falso if it is not correct.

  1. The Council of La Unión has organised numerous events for the winter months.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  2. The new program of sporting activities is open to everyone living in the town.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  3. Each day, from Mondays to Saturdays, the same sporting activities will take place.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  4. Everyone in the town is invited to take part in the walk on Saturday 28 February.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  5. Professional chefs from all over Chile are invited to enter the cooking contest to be held in La Unión in February.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso

Offline activities

Write a response to each situation, drawing relevant information from the community announcements.

  1. Choose one of the three events taking place in La Unión in February. In English, explain why you would or would not participate in this event.
  2. Your host sister, Cecilia, who is in her first year of university, spends most of her time studying. You know that she actually loves being active and that she is also a very good dancer. Write a note in English to Cecilia with the details of one of the activities you could do together.
  3. You have joined your friends in their end of summer celebrations in La Unión. Write an email in English to your family describing the event and how you participated in it.
  4. On weekends, your host father likes preparing family dinners and cooking traditional meals. You think that he might be interested in knowing about a particular news item you just heard. Write a note for him suggesting what he should do.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:


Select the correct answer/s:

a. Spanish people prefer to have their breakfast at home.

b. At lunch time Spanish people have two main courses, plus sweets or fruit.

c. Dinner is the most important meal of the day.

d. All Spanish people have wine and/or coffee with their meals.

Item 2

Listen to the audio:


Why is Claudia leaving the message on the answer machine?


Activity 1

Read the following text, then answer the questions in English.


No se pruebe nunca más una prenda antes de comprarla. Si los científicos consiguen implementar un nuevo escáner corporal que tomará las medidas de cualquier consumidor de moda, el probador pasará a ser una cosa del pasado.

Aunque parece ser bastante complicado, el sistema realmente no lo es. El consumidor simplemente se quita toda la ropa dejándose la ropa interior, y entra a una habitación oscura donde sensores infrarojos toman todas las medidas necesarias de su cuerpo. En menos de quince segundos, el escáner memoriza más de 300,000 puntos distintos que identifican el aspecto físico de cada comprador.

Con esta información el ordenador confecciona distintas combinaciones de ropa y las tallas ideales para el cuerpo del cliente eligiendo entre las ofertas del catálogo de la tienda. Lo mejor es que el consumidor tiene que desvestirse sólo una vez y el ordenador guarda sus datos y medidas en ¡¡la memoria!!


  1. Why will change rooms become a thing of the past? (2 marks)
  2. How does the new process operate? (4 marks)
  3. What do you consider to be the advantages of the new technology? (3 marks)

Activity 2

Read the following text, then answer the questions in English.

La presencia hispana aumenta en Estados Unidos.

A Estados Unidos (E.E.U.U.) llegan personas desde todos los rincones de América Latina: desde los más apartados lugares de Sudamérica, de Centro América y de México.

Diversos países, una misma lengua y una misma motivación para salir adelante.

En general el sueño de todo inmigrante es lograr una mejor vida para las familias que quedan en sus países de origen.

Dado que la situación política y económica está muy difícil en muchos países latinoamericanos la gente joven se ve casi obligada a buscar nuevos y mejores horizontes en países tales como E.E.U.U.,Canadá e inclusive Australia.

Los hispanos son el grupo étnico de más rápido crecimiento en Estados Unidos. La mayoría son mejicanos debido al hecho de compartir una frontera común y representan el 58 por ciento de todos los inmigrantes latinos.

La presencia de hispanos en E.E.U.U. se traduce en un fuerte potencial económico que ha atraído la atención de instituciones financieras porque han creado una gran cantidad de nuevos empleos e industrias.

Los hispanos han traído consigo sus costumbres, tradiciones, platos típicos y música.

Con el correr del tiempo las dos culturas, la latinoamericana de un lado y la estadounidense del otro se han amalgamado en una nueva cultura, que ha incidido en todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana.


  1. What do Hispanic migrants have in common? (2 marks)
  2. Explain what motivates Hispanic migration to the United States. (2 marks)
  3. How has the Hispanic community become both an economic and cultural force in the United States? (4 marks)