Spanish Beginners

Holidays, travel and tourism


Activity 1 – un taxi por favor

Listen to the following conversation.

Conversation taxi.mp3

Question 1

Read the following statements about José Manuel. Choose Verdadero if the statement is correct, or Falso if it is not correct.

  1. José Manuel needs to be at the airport at 7:00 PM.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  2. José Manuel is used to travelling by taxi.
    • Verdadero.
    • Falso
  3. José Manuel is an organised person.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  4. José Manuel is catching a plane to San Rafael.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso
  5. José Manuel books his taxi for 6:30 AM.
    • Verdadero
    • Falso

Question 2

Choose the most appropriate response a), b) or c) for the following multiple choice questions. Check your answers.

  1. The Vikings is:
    • a) a rock band.
    • b) a Spanish school.
    • c) a taxi company.
  2. The caller wants to travel from:
    • a) his home to the airport.
    • b) the airport to his home.
    • c) his workplace to the airport

Offline activity

Imagine that you work in the call centre of a taxi company. A caller wants to book a taxi from the workplace to the airport for some time next week. Role-play the conversation with a partner.

Activity 2 – una excursión

Listen to the following audio.


Question 1

Match the Spanish expression in the left column with its English equivalent in the right column.

  • esquina
  • edificada
  • descanso
  • cruzamos
  • intercambio
  • almorzamos
  • recuerdos
  • autopista
  • regalo
  • agotadísimo
  • exchange
  • souvenirs, mementos
  • rest, break
  • we had lunch
  • we crossed
  • corner
  • very tired, exhausted
  • built, constructed
  • motorway, highway
  • gift, present

Question 2

Complete the following text about the excursion using the words from the list.

List of words:

    • Además
    • representan
    • fuimos
    • inolvidable
    • maravillosa
    • históricos

El sábado pasado ... al centro de la ciudad. Fue una excursión ... porque visitamos lugares ... como la casa más antigua de Sídney e iconos que ... a esta ciudad. ... , aprovechamos para comprar recuerdos como koalas, canguros y camisetas. ¡Fue una experiencia ... !

Offline activities

  1. Based on the text you heard in Step 1, complete the chart (Word 53 kB) with relevant information about the excursion. Check your response (Word 55 kB).
  2. Use the language, structures and information from the text you heard in Step 1 to create a travel brochure in Spanish to promote your city or town. Highlight points of interest that you think would appeal to Spanish-speaking visitors. Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 3 – un mensaje

Listen to the following message.

Transport message.mp3

Question 1

Complete each statement with the most appropriate information according to the announcement you heard.

  1. Sydney is hosting an International Congress on
    • world peace.
    • indigenous people.
    • population growth.
  2. Public transport will be affected from
    • 7-9 October.
    • 6-9 October.
    • 15-19 October.
  3. Ferry services will
    • be suspended between 12 and 4 pm.
    • run all day, everyday.
    • run only between 12 and 4 pm.
  4. Use of private cars to access the city centre is
    • recommended during this period.
    • to be avoided during this period.
    • recommended only between 12 and 4 pm.

Question 2

Answer each of the following questions in English.

  1. What transport systems are mentioned in the text?
  2. How will the changes to transport services impact on bus travel?
  3. How will all the transport changes impact on people going to work in the city centre during the International Congress?
  4. What should you do if you missed some details about the changes to transport services?

Offline activity

You had planned to meet a friend in the city on one of the days during the congress. Email your friend, in Spanish, with suggested alternative arrangements for the day. Explain the reasons for your change of plans.

Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:



  1. What are the passengers asked to do?
  2. What is the airport announcement?

Item 2

Listen to the audio:



Fill in the missing information:

  • Mode of transport:
  • Departure time:
  • Class:
  • Seat number:

Item 3

Listen to the audio:



  1. Identify the correct statement.
    • Conditions in Puerto Escondido will remain stable during the day.
    • The temperature in Cancún will not suit tourists.
    • The minimum temperature in Puerto Escondido will be 27 degrees.
    • The maximum temperature in Cancún will be 20 degrees.
  2. Explain the varying weather conditions expected tomorrow in Mexico City.

Item 4

Listen to the audio:



  1. Identify the correct statement. The price of 75 Euros includes:
    • the room and breakfast
    • the room and IVA
    • the room, breakfast and IVA
    • the room only
  2. What room does the man take?


Activity 1

Read the following text, then answer the question in English.

Las Fallas

En Valencia se celebra la llegada de la primavera con hogueras y fuegos artificiales, estas fiestas se celebran entre el 15 y el 19 de marzo todos los años. Las Fallas es una de las fiestas más famosas de España.

Las calles de Valencia se llenan de turistas de toda España y de otras partes del mundo, que desean disfrutar del espectáculo.

En las noches se puede caminar por las calles de la ciudad y ver una variedad de diversiones, como bailes, bandas musicales, cantantes, malabaristas y muchos más.

Las Fallas son figuras grandes, que representan a personajes famosos y temas de actualidad. Estas figuras se llaman ninots y están hechas de madera, cartón, aserrín y cera. El 19 de marzo se queman todos los ninots, excepto uno, que se guarda en el museo Fallero donde también se conservan los ninots de años anteriores.

Revista de Festividades de España 2008


How is the beginning of Spring celebrated in Valencia? (6 marks)

Activity 2

Read the following advertisement then answer the questions in English.

¿Te gusta el arte y viajar?

¿Qué conoces de España?

Turismo Arte te ofrece la oportunidad de viajar a España por dos semanas en el mes de Agosto.

La modesta suma de $4000 te incluirá el billete aéreo de ida vuelta, transporte hotel – aeropuerto, alojamiento en hoteles de 4 estrellas, todos los desayunos y los almuerzos o cenas y algunas visitas guiadas.

Durante tu viaje, conocerás Madrid, Barcelona y Alcalá. En Madrid nos quedaremos 4 días y visitaremos el Museo del Prado y el museo de la Reina Sofía, donde veremos obras famosas de Picasso, Dalí, Goya. ¡Qué maravilla!

En la noche cenaremos en la Plaza Mayor y podrás disfrutar de una suculenta paella, tapas y un espectáculo de flamenco.

En Barcelona permaneceremos 4 días, camináremos por las Ramblas y varios de los parques de la ciudad, visitáremos la Sagrada Familia, y en las calles podrás apreciar el arte Gaudí.

En Alcalá estaremos 2 días, entraremos a la casa del famoso escritor Cervantes y a la prestigiosa universidad de esta ciudad.

No te pierdas esta magnífica experiencia de conocer otra cultura y gente. Comunícate con nosotros en o llámanos 9944 3131.

Te esperamos. ¡Ven, anímate!

Turismo Arte líder mundial en el turismo.


  1. How does this advertisement persuade the reader to join this kind of holiday? (4 marks)
  2. What sort of person would like to go on this type of holiday? Explain your answer with reference to the text. (5 marks)