Instrumental and Vocal Tutorial  Information

Music Enrolment is now open for 2024

Please contact Music Staff if you have any questions.


TUTORIALS (Individual Lessons)

At Sydney Girls High School we provide professional music tutors for a wide variety of instruments and voice. Our aim is that all students receive high quality musical tuition at a convenient time and competitive fee.

Instrumental Tutorials are held weekly and, depending on the nature of the tutorial, can be individual or in small groups. All Instrument tutorials are held at school during the day, usually for 30 minutes. Lessons for all students are rotated throughout the school day ensuring students do not miss the same class each week. As academic lessons are 80 minutes, 30-minute instrumental lesson do not take up an entire academic lesson. A buddy system assists the students in finding out about work missed. Set lesson times (the same time each cycle) are only available for Year 11 and 12 students during free periods or out of lesson times (lunch and recess) in consultation with their tutor.


Starting or continuing an instrument and joining the music program in year 7 is strongly encouraged. Students may start lessons at any stage in their schooling. There is an expectation that students who learn an instrument through the school or hire school instruments will participate in an ensemble, once they have achieved a suitable standard.

The successful music student

To get the most from their lessons, students must always bring a working instrument, music, a pencil and all associated equipment (reeds, rosin, valve oil, cork grease, clear etc.)

A music stand and appropriate chair or stool is required for home practice to optimise posture and minimise injury. For individual tuition, students need to purchase their own music. 

Progress on an instrument is directly related to the quality and quantity of instrumental practice. Students should be prepared to practice regularly. Most children who cease playing an instrument do so through stagnation and lack of progress.


Students are expected to attend ALL Instrument Tutorials and Small Ensemble rehearsals. Missed rehearsals will NOT be made up unless there is a valid reason that has been communicated with the tutor at least 24hrs before the lesson e.g. a school excursion, sick, exams. 

Attending a Music Lesson

Before and after attending an individual lesson, students electronically swipe in and out of class in the Music Hub or at the front office. The student will be provided with an attendance slip to be signed by the tutor and then taken to the front office to verify lesson attendance.

Student Absence from Individual Tuition

Students/parents should contact their tutor if unable to attend a lesson. Tutors will endeavour to reschedule if possible when more than 48 hours’ notice is given with no obligation to do so. Tutors reserve a specific time for students in their weekly timetable. Lesson fees still apply for non-attendance.

Termination of Tuition

Students commit to the Instrumental Tuition Program on a term basis. If a student chooses not to continue with instrumental music tuition at any time notice should be given to the Tutor at the end of the current term.

No refund of that term’s fees will be given for withdrawal part way through a term.

Tuition Fees

Lesson fees in 2024 are $47 per half hour lesson.

Lesson enrolment is on a term by term basis. Fees are non-refundable for withdrawal part way through a term.

To apply for lessons, complete the application form on the next page. The tutor will then communicate directly with parents to arrange the lesson day and time. Tutors will advise when fees are due and invoice these directly to parents. Tutor information and contacts are found on the Music Staff and tutors page of this website.

Sydney Girls High School offers Tutorials for Voice and the following instruments:







According to student interest small ensemble tutorials may be run by tutors. These groups may have the opportunity to perform at school events and represent the school in the wider community. The tutor will communicate directly with parents to arrange the day and time for this tutorial. Tutors will advise when fees are due and invoice these directly to parents. 

Small Ensembles Tutorials are are NOT covered by the Performing Ensembles Levy. 

Small Ensemble Tutorials, depending on student interest, may include:

Percussion Ensemble 

Beginner-intermediate level. No prior experience is necessary. 

Chamber Percussion
Intermediate - advanced level. Must have prior percussion experience. 

Guitar Ensemble
Beginner - intermediate level. No prior ensemble experience is necessary. Positions available for acoustic, electric and bass guitar.

String Trio
Intermediate to advanced level. Must have prior experience on their instrument. 

Flute Ensemble

Intermediate - advanced level. Must have prior experience on flute. Piccolos welcome. 

Saxophone Ensemble
Intermediate to advanced level. Must have prior playing experience.

Brass Ensemble
Intermediate - advanced level. Positions available for all brass instruments


Students in the PERFORMING ENSEMBLES will be invited to perform at various school and public concerts throughout the year. Students in these ensembles are expected to wear the FULL PERFORMANCE UNIFORM consisting: