Music at
Sydney Girls High School

Sydney Girls High School provides a diverse range of Music opportunities to allow students to develop their instrumental, vocal and ensemble skills, as well as explore their creativity and passion for music in a collaborative and supportive environment.

Music is an integral part of our school, enhancing the overall school culture, and providing students with different experiences and opportunities to develop their musical skills, interest and talents. Participation in both curricular and co-curricular music allows our students opportunities to be creative risk-takers, develop their confidence, independence, teamwork, collaboration, strategic thinking and leadership skills. Ensembles perform in a variety of settings throughout the year including school functions, official assemblies, music festivals, competitions, regional tours, workshops and are showcased in two major concerts of the year in Term 2 and 4.

Instrumental and vocal tuition is available through individual lessons during the school day. Some instruments are available for hire. Scholarships are offered for select instruments through our Foundation Instruments program.

What are the benefits of playing music?


Musicians exhibit enhanced memory functions, creating, storing and retrieving memories more quickly and efficiently. Musicians tag memories for easy locating (conceptual, audio, contextual). 

The research found there was strong correlation between level of engagement, links to cognitive development, and transfer to academic performance in the domains of:

• Executive Functioning (the ability to plan, focus, strategise and manage emotions,  empathy, teamwork)

• Motivation-related Characteristics (learning discipline, self-efficacy, and mastery- oriented learning experiences – basically all the characteristics we look for in an engaged student)

• Social-Personal DevelopmentRefinement of communication and social skills including psychological wellbeing, prosocial behaviour and social engagement.
