Foundation Instrumental Scholarship Application 2024

Each year scholarships are offered through the SGHS Foundation. If awarded, the scholarship covers instrumental hire and tuition fees on select instruments. These 'endangered' instruments eventually fill positions in our ensembles.

Scholarships cover instrument hire for one year and subsidies to tuition costs with SGHS music tutors for up to two years. A second year of scholarship may be offered and is conditional on the student joining an SGHS ensemble once a suitable level of proficiency is achieved.

1st year - Students are provided with free instrument hire for one year (subject to instrument availability) and up to 50% subsidy on the cost of lessons with an SGHS tutor.

2nd year - To be eligible for the second year of scholarship, students must be enrolled in an SGHS ensemble. Students may then continue to receive free instrument hire and the 25% lesson subsidy.

To be eligible for the scholarship students must at all times:

To apply, complete the application form below before February 12, 2024. Priority is given to students in Year 7. 

The following instrumental scholarships will be offered in 2024:

Tuba    Viola   Trombone   French    Horn    Cello     Oboe      Bassoon      Double Bass