Australia's GSR - A Mission Blue Hopespot

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Australia's GSR - A Mission Blue Hopespot YouTube Transcript

My name is Sarah. I'm a PhD student at

the University of Western Australia .

I've nominated the Great southern reef as a

Hope spot with the aim of increasing

awareness to the whole Australian

community and in the future to increase

its protection. So as scientists we

study these systems really in-depth and

we learn about them so much but we

have a hard time getting this

information across to the public to show

them just how amazing this reef system

is. The Great sound reef was a name we

came up with to give the ecosystem

proper identity that basically conveys

how amazing it is and how unique it is.

The Great southern reef extendsd over five

states and over eight thousand kilometres of

coastline along the entire southern half

of Australia. Species on the Great

southern reef have been geographically

isolated for tens of millions of years

which has led to a unique biodiversity

of thousands of species that are not

found anywhere else on earth. In all the

world the Great Southern reef in

Australia is an exceptional place of

diversity it reflects a deep and ancient

history that is special to the southern

coast of Australia. There's a lot of fish

life, there's a lot of really rare fish

as well , so chances are every time you go

for a dive you see something that

is so very unique and and it hasn't

been exploited. This is completely

pristine, it's so isolated. On the

south coast of Australia we're in a

bloody lucky place you know like we live

in a really prosperous society that has

the ability to look after an asset like

this on the south coast. Make sure

that it stays as good today as it has alwayas been.

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