What is the East Australian current ?

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Transcript for What is the East Australian current ?

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East Australia Current

this incredible image gives us a

snapshot of our planet's ocean currents

hard at work moving heat nutrients and

key species all around the globe.

These are surface currents driven by the

friction of trade winds and regional

differences in the density of the sea

water. These huge marine rivers circulate

vast quantities of water around the

globe and in doing so they create the

air you breathe, the rain you drink and

they even regulate the climate of our


Off the coast of Australia lies a

very special marine River, the East

Australian current . At up to 100

kilometres wide and 500 metres in depth

this oceanic artery moves as much as 30

million cubic meters of water every

second. It flows around 3,000 kilometres

all the way from the Great Barrier Reef

to Tasmania, bringing warm tropical

waters to cold southern seas.

As it's warm waters flow from the

tropics down Australia's East Coast they

influence everything from the climate to

the biology of the whole region.


Most of the heat that reaches our planet

from the Sun falls on the equatorial

regions and ocean currents like the East

Australian current play a vital role in

distributing that heat to the cooler

parts of the earth. Without ocean

currents the uneven heating of the

planet would render huge swathes of Earth

unliveable. Many temperate zones would

freeze over and the tropics would bake

in searing heat.

Ocean currents are earth's

air-conditioning system, but as our

planet is warmed the extra heat energy

in the atmosphere has been changing the

flow of these marine rivers.

The East

Australian current has been

strengthening carrying more warm water

further south and this is having an

impact all along Australia's East Coast

triggering rapid submarine climate

change as well as changing local weather


Wherever it flows the East

Australian current is just one of the

myriad of ocean currents that flow

around our planet powering the

ecosystems that produce the air we

breathe the food we eat even the rain

that fills our dams.

We have just begun to understand how

fragile and complex this life-support

system is and the vital role played by

the creatures of the sea in maintaining

a planet suitable for complex life.

It's now time to use that knowledge to care

for the creatures of the sea so that

they can continue to provide for us.


English (auto-generated)