Australia's Ocean Odyssey

Official trailer - YouTube Clip Transcript

Australia's Ocean Odyssey - Official Trailer - You Tube clip transcript

No life exists without order.


If the ocean is the blue heart of the


then the currents are like the veins and

the arteries that just flow around the



The East Australian current is the engine that

drives this whole system. Sometimes the

current will be heading past this

location at say four to six

knots. So that means the water previously in the Coral Sea needs two

or three days to be here.

The ocean is the hidden 'puppet master' of

this planet. Without doubt it's the place

that through its current systems,

controls almost everything we see around



The planet itself, not just this island

but everything, is a living thing.

Show me where life actually stops and

I'll tell you right there's something

living it. You see the connection between

the island. The first time in all of human history

and being able to see it, to calculate it,

to understand

how everything ties together

and how vulnerable

we are to any piece of that that gets


It's a system that has taken such a long

time. We're just at that stage where

we're beginning to appreciate and

understand this symphony - with all

the pieces in this great

Orchestra functioning in a way that

makes a planet that works just the way

we like it.

Australia's ocean Odyssey.

Tuesday June 9

English (auto-generated)

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