Evidence of Impact

Quotes from Staff & Students

Quotes from staff about what they are looking forward to in 2021:

"Students, parents and teachers all talking about learning and learning goals."

"If successful, how wonderful it will be to see the change in students' mindset when it comes to understanding their learning and achievement."

"Learning goals that are living and breathing. Kids who know exactly where to next."

Quotes from students about learning:

"Learning goals are checkpoints in your learning... your learning adventure." - Berala student

"Learner qualities give a little bit of a hint of how to be successful." - Blairmount student

"It's like a wave. I am at the start of the wave and then I am just pushing to shore... I am close to shore so I am nearly there. " - Oxley Vale student

"A learner is when you are persistent, never give up and be motivated." - Sackville Street student

Note: Between baseline data and impact, there was a shift of staffing involved in the project and beyond this, in the wider staff population. There was also a significant period of time where the project was impacted by learning from home scenarios.

1. Visible Learning

Enhancing and refining visible learning practices so teachers utilise learning goals to drive intentional explicit & differentiated teaching and continually improve.

Baseline Data:

  • Assessments: 27% of classroom teachers & 24% of other staff always use assessment data to drive teaching (executive staff believe this occurs with 30% of staff).

  • CTJ: 68% of classroom teachers & 72% of other staff regularly/always engage in CTJ (executive staff believe this occurs with 55% of staff).

  • Learning goals: 72% of classroom teachers regularly/always assess the achievement of learning goals (executive staff believe this occurs with 62% of staff).

  • Visible Learning Student vs Teacher Perception: Students and staff were asked to rank the frequency of visible learning practices including easier actions (finding & understanding learning goal and sharing evidence) and harder actions (linking evidence to goals, explaining teacher feedback and choosing a new goal based on evidence & feedback). Staff perception closely aligned with student results in an average of 4 out of 6 areas. For 3-6 teachers, it was most common to find higher perceptions reported from staff for posting/sharing quality evidence of learning & explaining teacher feedback.

  • SEF SAS: Sustaining & Growing average

Impact 1

  • Assessments: Uplift of 8% of classroom teachers always using assessment data to drive teaching. Decline noted for other staff and executive staff.

  • CTJ & learning goals: Decline of all staff engaging in CTJ and utilising learning goals.

  • Visible Learning Student vs Teacher Perception: Increased alignment between student and teacher perceptions in Years 3-6. Slight decrease in K-2 classes.

Term 4 2021

2. Community Engagement

Empowering families to be comprehensively informed and actively involved in student learning.

Baseline Data:

  • Learning goals: 32% of classroom teachers engage families in allocating learning goals (executive staff believe this occurs with 26% of staff).

  • Reporting: 51% of classroom teachers regularly/always report student progress to families (executive staff believe this occurs with 47% of staff).

  • Engagement with learning: 96% understand the importance of learning goals & 57% have a strong understanding of what makes a good learner. 48% of families had their child discuss their learning goals with them, with 17% describing specific goals.

  • SEF SAS: Sustaining & Growing average.

  • Transformation Rubric from Schools Plus: Level 2 average.

Impact 1

  • Learning experiences (NEW DATA): 41% of classroom teachers and 29% of other staff have families regularly or always engage in student's learning experiences (executive staff believe this occurs with 69% of teachers).

  • Learning goals: Decline in the proportion of staff that have families engage with learning goal.

  • Reporting: Decline in the proportion of families that regularly/always engaging with formal and informal reports of student achievement and progress.

  • Transformation Rubric from Schools Plus: Not a significant CoS change but some individual schools identified growth in shared accountability & shared vision for change.

Term 4 2021

3. Sustainability

Strategically building capacity & embedding rigorous processes across the school cluster to ensure sustainability of our progress towards our shared vision.

Baseline Data:

  • Teacher Check In Survey: 92% state school expectations are achievable. Below indicates the % of staff that stated the workload of these actions would decrease or remain unchanged with Hero.

  • Community: 29% list some school values when asked about the school vision.

  • SEF SAS: Sustaining & Growing average.

  • Transformation Rubric from Schools Plus: Level 1.8 average.

Impact 1

  • Teacher Check In Survey: 91% of staff surveyed were able to indicate some or most of the i See Learning project vision, with visible learning and student reflective practices/agency being the most common responses. 100% of staff surveyed identified colleagues that can support them, with 82% identifying more than one person.

Term 2 2021

Impact 2

  • Teacher Check In Survey: 100% of trial staff surveyed were able to indicate some or most of the i See Learning project vision, with visible learning and community engagement being the most common responses. 100% of staff surveyed identified colleagues that can support them, with 100% identifying more than one person.

  • Whole Staff Survey (NEW DATA): 28% of respondents were aware of the i See Learning project vision in some capacity with most mentioning visible learning and community engagement.

  • Transformation Rubric from Schools Plus: 0.2 uplift in average level

Term 4 2021

4. Student Reflective Practices

Supporting students to engage in reflective practices so they develop a deep understanding of their learning and form an effective learner identity.

Baseline Data:

  • Reflective questions: The following perceptions were recorded by executive staff (E), classroom teachers (CT) and other staff (OS) for regularly/always frequencies:

1. What are you learning? 64% E, 79% CT & 67% OS

2. How are you going? 55% E, 52% CT & 50% OS

3. How do you know you have achieved your goal? 34% E, 45% CT & 32% OS

4. Where to next (next steps)? 24% E, 26% CT & 27% OS

  • Visible Learning Student vs Teacher Perception: On the right indicates the % of students that report they perform the visible learning practices. The easier visible learning practices include: finding their learning goal, talking about their learning goal & sharing evidence of learning. The harder visible learning practices include: understanding how they are going with their learning, understanding teacher feedback & identifying next steps. This is then compares with teacher perception.

  • Student Agency Focus Group: Strengths: Student understanding of what makes a good learner & why learning goals are important. Half of the schools had students that could articulate how they are going with their learning goals, with limited comparative language. Future Directions: Articulating specific learning goals & effective methods for how they know how they are going with their learning goals.

Impact 1

  • Reflective questions: The following perceptions were recorded by executive staff (E), classroom teachers (CT) and other staff (OS) for regularly/always frequencies:

1. What are you learning? Average 16% uplift

2. How are you going? Average 22% uplift

3. How do you know you have achieved your goal? Average 12% uplift

4. Where to next (next steps)? Average 21% uplift

Term 4 2021

5. Student Agency

Building the capacity of students to engage in authentic decision making and agency over their own learning.

Baseline Data:

  • Allocating goals: 84% of classroom teachers engage students in selecting current learning goals (executive staff believe this occurs with 72% of staff).

  • Student Agency Focus Group: Students across the CoS had limited agency with learning goals, with minimal effective student-directed methods to monitor their achievement. Many groups required prompting to articulate responses to this question.

  • Transformation Rubric from Schools Plus: Level 2 average.

Impact 1

  • Allocating goals: Decline in teachers engaging students in selecting current learning goals.

  • Transformation Rubric from Schools Plus: Not a significant CoS change but individual schools identified growth in shared accountability & shared vision for change.

Term 4 2021