Subject Selection Information


The NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA) is responsible for the curriculum that leads to the award of the Record of School Achievement (RoSA). This website outlines the requirements and choices that are available to students in meeting these requirements.

Curriculum Structure for Stage 5

At this school the students who are presented for the Record of School Achievement (RoSA) must complete the core of subjects mandated by NESA: English, Geography, History, Mathematics, PDHPE and Science. In addition to this the students are required to complete three electives in year 9 and three electives in year 10.

Students may choose to continue their study of the electives chosen in year 9 or they may choose new electives or a combination of new and previously studied electives.

Choosing elective courses at Gymea Technology High School

What is a 200 Hour Elective Course?

A 200 Hour Course is a course that is studied in both Year 9 and Year 10

What is 100 Hour Elective Course?

A 100 Hour Course is a course that is studied for one year in either Year 9 or Year 10.

  • Year 9 and 10 elective courses do not impact on choices for senior study.

  • Some elective subjects have compulsory fees. See the information in this website for details.

  • When deciding which subjects to choose, students should consider subjects that will provide the most interest and enjoyment, as well as subjects they are capable of doing.

  • Please note that elective classes will be formed only if enough students request that subject. Due to elective line clashes and class number limitations, students will be asked to nominate three additional courses as alternatives.

  • Student selections will be made online in Term 3. A hard copy of student selections will be brought home for parent / caregiver signature confirmation.

The Stage 5 Curriculum

What is Stage 5?

NESA, in their organisation of Curriculum considers Years 7 & 8 as Stage 4 and Years 9 & 10 as Stage 5.

What is the Record of School Achievement RoSA?

The Record of School Achievement (RoSA) is a credential for students leaving school prior to receiving their HSC.

The RoSA will:

  • Be a record of the full range of student achievements up to the day they do their HSC or leave school.

  • Provide an electronic record of achievements that students can use at any time.

  • Use assessment by teachers in schools, moderated by NESA to ensure reliability and fairness of grades.

  • Offer on-line literacy and numeracy tests, with particular emphasis on work readiness that students will be able to undertake twice a year.

Students will need to have completed the mandatory requirements for Stage 5 to be eligible for a RoSA.

How does a student become eligible for the award of the RoSA?

To be eligible for the award of a RoSA by NESA, students are required to follow and complete a pattern of courses developed or approved by NESA.

To have satisfactorily completed a course of study for Stage 5, a student must have a satisfactory record of application (effort). Based on their performance in Stage 5, students will be awarded a grade for each of their Stage 5 subjects as based on the Course Performance Descriptors.

What is the core course structure at this school?

At Gymea Technology High School, students in Stage 5 are required to satisfactorily complete the following pattern of study:

Courses taught continuously from Year 7 to 10 include:

  • English 200 hours

  • Mathematics 200 hours

  • Science 200 hours

  • History 100 hours

  • Geography 100 hours

  • PD Health PE 150 hours

These are courses taught continuously from years 7 to 10

Elective courses as 100 or 200 hours for Years 9 and 10

  • Electives - a total of 400hrs (or 2x200hr courses) over Stage 5.

Do all Electives get Recorded on the RoSA?

No. Most elective courses are entered as 100 hour or 200 hour courses. There is no indication, however, as to whether they were studied in year 9 or year 10. Creative Writing will not appear on the RoSA. Engineering in Technology appears as Industrial Technology (Engineering) and Forensic Archaeology as History Elective.

Grading for ROSA

Students are awarded a grade for each of the courses they have studied in Years 9 and 10.

The grades are based on the course performance descriptors for each course. Grading student achievement is the process of assigning a letter (A, B, C, D, E) to summarise the level of a student's achievement in a course. In Mathematics, grades have been further differentiated to nine levels as follows: A10, A9, B8, B7, C6, C5, D4, D3, E2.

Choosing Electives

How do students choose an elective?

Students have the opportunity to choose their electives from those outlined in this website. The process for students to choose an elective will be completed online at school in Term 3.

What should students consider when choosing their elective?

Students should make their choice of an elective based on the answers to the following questions:

1. Am I interested in this subject area?

2. Do I like this subject or type of subject?

3. Is this a subject that I can work at and perform well in?

Can a student change an elective subject if they do not like their choice?

Yes, until Week 3 of Term 1 and only if there is room in the class they want to move in to.

Students who wish to change their elective choice need to:

1. Speak to their Deputy Principal and complete the online Change of Subject form through the year group Google Classroom.

2. Appreciate that it is not automatic, requires a good reason and the support of their parents.

3. Accept that they are required to complete work that occurred in the subject that they are changing into prior to their move.

Subject Costs

The subject costs for the elective subjects are used to purchase materials used or consumed by students throughout the year. Parents with financial difficulties are, of course, encouraged to request support from the school so that a student with ability and interest in a particular subject is not necessarily disadvantaged.

Food Technology

Year 9 or 10 - $100.00

Design and Technology

Year 9 or 10 - $50.00

Visual Arts

Year 9 or 10 - $40.00