Google Classroom

How to create and set up Google Classroom

Learn about:

  • Creating a new Google Classroom.
  • Adding material to the classroom.
  • Adding students and co-teachers to the classroom.
Google Classroom


Welcome to getting started with technology. This resource is a quick way to learn how to teach in a modern classroom using cloud-based technologies such as Google Suite and Office 365.

In this video we will look at how to create a new classroom, add materials to it and add students and co-teachers. The first thing to do is to open Google Drive and log in. Click on the 'App launcher' and find Google Classroom. Click to open it.

To create a class in Classroom, click on the plus symbol and select create class. Give your class a name and subject and select 'Create'. Once the class is created, you can see 'Stream', 'Classwork', 'People' and 'Marks' across the top of your classroom.

We are going to look at creating materials. Click 'Classwork', 'Create' and 'Material' to create class resources. Name the material and give it a description. Click on the drive symbol and find the resource required and press 'Add'. You can add a topic or create a new topic. Post the material to classroom for students to view by clicking on 'Post'.

To add students or co-teachers, click 'People'. To add teachers, click on 'Invite teachers' and type in their G Suite credentials. To add students, click on 'Add Students' and select from the list. You can see that the teacher and the student are now invited to the classroom. You can also add students by giving them the class code. Click on 'Settings' and the class code can be found here. The code can be displayed to the class so that students can join.

This is how Google Classroom can be used to teach a class online.

How to use Google Classroom with students

Learn about:

  • Creating an assignment in Google Classroom.
  • Assigning it to all or some students.
  • Using rubrics.
Google Classroom


Welcome to getting started with technology. This resource is a quick way to learn how to teach in a modern classroom using cloud-based technologies such as Google Suite and Office 365.

In this video we will look at how to create an assignment in Google Classroom, assign it to some or all students and use rubrics to mark an assignment. The first thing to do is to open Google Classroom.

Select the class. Click 'Classwork', 'Create' and 'Assignment'. Give it a name and a description for students, select a due date and a topic. You can select a rubric for the assignment as well, but first you need to attach the assignment through your Google Drive. Click on the drive symbol to find the assignment and press 'Open'. Select the student permissions for access. Click 'Rubrics' to attach a pre-made rubric to this assignment or make a new one to make it easier to mark the assignment when students have finished completing it. You also have the option to give the assignment to all students or selected students only. Choose whether to post this assignment now or schedule it for a later date.

Once you've done that, go to 'Stream'. If you have scheduled the assignment for a later date it will not appear here, but you can see it in 'Classwork'

This is how you can create a new assignment and assign it to your students in Google Classroom.

How to provide feedback to students in Google Classroom

Learn about:

  • Marking assignments.
  • Providing feedback.
  • Returning assignments.
Google Classroom


Welcome to getting started with technology. This resource is a quick way to learn how to teach in a modern classroom using cloud-based technologies such as Google Suite and Office 365.

In this video we will look marking assignments, providing feedback and returning them in Google Classroom. The first thing to do is to open Google Classroom through Google Drive.

Find the class and open the assignment from 'Stream'. Check to see how many students have completed the assignment. Open the completed assignment by clicking on it. To provide feedback, add comments by highlighting text or images. Once you have added feedback, you can return this assignment using the rubric that you added before. Select the level of marks that you want to assign, add any comments required and return the assignment to the student. Go back to the Google Classroom page and see that you have marked the assignment for the student with a mark out of 100. Select the student and click 'Return'.

This is how you can mark and return assignments to students in Google Classroom.

To learn more about using these tools in the classroom, check out the digital learning selector for strategies, templates, resources and links to further training.

Video recording of Adobe Connect (needs software install) teacher professional learning-

Teacher notes:

Google Classroom enables teachers to schedule, upload, track assignments and communicate with their class.

Think about:

Now that you know more about Google Classroom, think about one or two ways you might be able to use this tool in your classroom.