G Suite – Drive and Docs

How to access Google Drive

Learn how to access your Google Drive through the staff portal.

Your DoE G Suite credentials are your portal username followed by "@education.nsw.gov.au", eg john.smith93@education.nsw.gov.au

Google 1.mov


Welcome to getting started with technology. This resource is a quick way to learn how to teach in a modern classroom using cloud-based technologies such as Google Suite and Office 365.

In this video we are going to look at how to access G Suite through the staff portal. So the first thing to do is to go to the staff portal and log in.

In the staff portal, click 'My learning tools'. Look for Google Suite Apps for Education. Click 'Show details'. Once you have read through the description, click on 'Add to my essentials'. Go back to 'Home'.

Look for G Suite Apps for Education in the portal dashboard and click on it. A new tab opens that shows all the G Suite tools that staff have access to.

How to create folders in Google Drive

Learn about:

  • Creating a new folder.
  • Renaming a folder.
  • Adding files to a folder.
  • Sharing a folder.


Welcome to getting started with technology. This resource is a quick way to learn how to teach in a modern classroom using cloud-based technologies such as Google Suite and Office 365.

In this video we will look at how to create a new folder in Google Drive, rename it, add files to it and then share it. The first thing to do, is to log into Google Drive using your G Suite credentials. Once logged in, click on '+New' and 'Folder'. Rename this folder and click 'Create'.

Double click on the folder to open it. You will notice that there are no files in the folder, we are going to add two files now. There are two ways to add files to a folder. In this new folder, click '+New' and 'File upload'. You can either drag and drop the file in, or select the file and click 'Open'. You can see there are two files uploading at the moment.

Once your files have finished uploading you can see them in your folder. You can share these files and the folder by right clicking and click 'share'. Click 'Advanced' to view sharing settings and click 'Change' to see the sharing options. You can change permissions - you can either make it editable, or just to be commented on or just to be viewed. Once you've picked the right option, press 'Save', and 'Done'.

This is how you can use Google Drive with folders and files.

How to create a Shared Drive

Learn about:

  • Creating a shared drive.
  • Adding members to the shared drive.
  • Setting access level for members in shared drive.

Note: Shared drive is a shared working space. Files in a shared drive belong to the team. Member permission levels can be managed.



Welcome to getting started with technology. This resource is a quick way to learn how to teach in a modern classroom using cloud-based technologies such as Google Suite and Office 365.

In this video we will look at how to create a Shared Drive, add members to the shared drive and set access levels for members. The first thing to do is to log into Google Drive.

Once in Google Drive, click on 'Shared Drive' and then '+New', then rename the new Shared Drive. To add members to this drive, click on 'Add members'. Type in the G Suite credentials of the member. Select the correct permissions for the member – they can be a content manager, a creator, a commenter or just a viewer – and press 'Send'.

This is how to create a shared drive, add members and use it to create a shared online working space that school or community members can have access to.

How to create and share Google Docs

Learn about:

  • Creating a new Google Docs document.
  • Renaming the document.
  • Adding comments inside the document.
  • Sharing a document.


Welcome to getting started with technology. This resource is a quick way to learn how to teach in a modern classroom using cloud-based technologies such as Google Suite and Office 365.

In this video we will look at how to create a new Google Docs, rename it, add comments to it and share it. The first thing to do is to open Google Docs by typing the web address docs.google.com. Log in with your G Suite credentials. Remember to use @education.nsw.gov.au.

Once on the Docs page, select from one of the templates provided or pick a blank one. Rename this docs file. We are going to look at two things in this document. One is to add comments to it. To add a comment, select an image or some text and click on the plus symbol that appears or the other way to do it is to select 'Insert' and 'Comment'. To share this document with your students or colleagues, click 'Share, 'Advanced' and 'Change'. Select the right permission level and press 'Save' and 'Done'.

This is how you can create a new Google Docs and share it with your colleagues or students.

To learn more about using these tools in the classroom, check out the digital learning selector for strategies, templates, resources and links to further training on Google Drive. Also, check out further resources for help with Google Docs.

Video recording of Adobe Connect (needs software install) teacher professional learning- https://connect.schools.nsw.edu.au/pnokb90lp6i9/

Teacher notes:

Google drive lets you store, organise and share your files, photos, videos etc. These files can then be accessed easily on any internet connected device. Google Docs is an online document that can be shared and worked on collaboratively with teachers and students.

Think about:

Now that you know more about Google Drive and Docs, think about one or two ways you might be able to take existing content for your classroom (whether it's on your computer’s hard drive, a flash drive, or even hard copies in your filing cabinet) and organize it in the cloud.