French Beginners

People, places and communities


Activity 1 – ma journée

Listen to Lauretta introduce herself.

Lauretta introduction.mp3


Answer each of the following questions in English.

  1. Describe Lauretta’s school.
  2. How does the school preserve cultural traditions?
  3. Describe a typical school day for Lauretta.
  4. What are Lauretta’s plans for the future?
  5. Is the following statement true or false? Lauretta is an only child.
  6. Is the following statement true or false? Lauretta has chores to do at home after school.
  7. Is the following statement true or false? Lauretta’s mother prepares dinner for her family each night.

Offline activity

Imagine you attend Lauretta’s school. Write an email to a friend in French describing your school day. Mention what time you get up and when you go to school. Describe what you do and who you spend time with.

Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 2 – ma voiture est en panne

Listen to this conversation.



Answer each of the following questions in English.

  1. What is Madame Lacroix’s problem?
  2. What other details about the car does Madame Lacroix provide?
  3. How will Madame Lacroix’s problem be resolved?
  4. Where is the car?

Offline activities

  1. Imagine you are Madame Lacroix. In French, explain to a friend what has happened.
  2. You have borrowed a friend’s car for the day. When you return to the car, it has a flat tyre. You need help to change it. Use the conversation you heard in Step 1 as a guide and create a role-play to call for assistance.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 3 – les soldes d’hiver

Listen to this announcement.

Shopping announcement.mp3

Question 1

Complete the following statements by selecting the most appropriate ending.

  1. The text is
    • a commentary for a fashion parade.
    • an advertisement for a learn-to-sew course.
    • an appeal for winter clothing donations to a charity.
    • an advertisement for a clothing sale.
  2. If you are interested, you should respond quickly to the information because
    • the shop is closing down.
    • prices will soon double.
    • the sale will end soon.
    • the sewing course will finish at the end of January.
  3. The coats and scarves are
    • lightweight.
    • fashionable.
    • made of pure wool.
    • cool with great patterns.
  4. The shirts are
    • available only in small sizes.
    • available in all sizes.
    • easy to alter to suit each individual.
    • patterned with polka dots.

Question 2

Match each item in the left hand column with the most appropriate description in the right hand column.

  • jumpers
  • denim jackets
  • pants
  • mini-skirts
  • shirts
  • jackets
  • t-shirts
  • striped fabric, available in all sizes
  • made of pure new wool
  • casual but smart
  • tartan fabric and easy to wear
  • just arrived, with a hood
  • in Italian leather and velvet
  • hand made, in the latest fashion

Offline activities

  1. Send a text message to a friend about the sale and what is on offer.
  2. Your class has organised a fashion parade, un défilé de mode, at your school. The clothes will be provided by the shop advertising the sale. Provide the commentary in French. To assist you to prepare the commentary go to the following websites to listen to the tone of commentaries and to interviews with designers and models. Take note of the language used, the music played and the way the clothes are worn.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:

  1. Discuss how Pierre has made friends all over the world.
  2. Explain how Pierre keeps control of his privacy.
  3. Why is the female speaker not joining in this activity?
  4. Explain c’est difficile de s’en passer.