French Beginners

Family life, home and neighbourhood


Activity 1 – au téléphone

Listen to this conversation.

Telephone conversation.mp3

Question 1

Choose the most appropriate response for the multiple choice questions 1, 2, 3 and 4. For question 5, give details.

  1. The telephone enquiry is about:
    • the gym
    • the swimming pool
    • the skating rink.
  2. When does it open?
    • At 9:15 am on weekdays and 10:00 am on Saturdays.
    • Everyday at 9:30 am.
    • At 9:30 am from Monday to Friday and from 10:30 am on weekends.
  3. How much is the full entry fee?
    • 5 Euros 80
    • 5 Euros 48
    • 2 Euros 24
  4. The kiosk is open:
    • every day
    • all weekend but not on weekdays
    • on weekends and every weekday afternoon.
  5. Some people do not have to pay full price. Give details.

Question 2

Complete the following text about the conversation you heard, using the words from the list.

List of words:

  • deux euros
  • weekend
  • vingt et une
  • enfants
  • neuf heures trente
  • cinq euros quatre vingt
  • fermeture.

La piscine est ouverte de ... à ... heures pendant la semaine. L’heure de ... est vingt et une heures tous les jours. Le tarif maximum c’est ... . Les ... de moins de dix ans accompagnés ne paient pas l’entrée. Les chômeurs doivent payer ... . Le kiosque ouvre seulement le.

Offline activity

Write a note in English to your mother or father telling them that you are going to the pool. Say what you are going to do for lunch and when you are going to return home. Use the information from the text you heard.

Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:

  1. How does the female speaker feel about the location of her new house?
  2. Explain why Julie is enjoying this new experience.

Item 2

Listen to the audio:

  1. Describe Laure’s family.
  2. Compare the relationship Laure has with her mother and with her father.
  3. Why isn’t her older brother living with the family?