French Beginners

Friends, recreation and pastimes


Activity 1 – tu es libre samedi soir?

Listen to these messages.

Fabien Corinne messages.mp3

Question 1

For each statement choose Vrai if the statement is true, or Faux if it is false.

  1. Corinne is planning an activity with Fabien.
    • Vrai
    • Faux
  2. Fabien is delighted to join Corinne's group on Saturday night.
    • Vrai
    • Faux
  3. Corinne, Sandrine and Stéphane are impatient and cannot wait until Sunday.
    • Vrai
    • Faux
  4. Corinne will pick up Fabien and Marc after lunch on Sunday.
    • Vrai
    • Faux

Question 2

Answer each of the following questions in English.

  1. Who are Sandrine and Stéphane?
  2. What is Corinne planning for Saturday night?
  3. Explain the changes Fabien makes to the plans.

Offline activities

  1. Imagine you are Fabien. Leave a voicemail in French thanking Corinne for the outing. Say what you liked about the cousins and suggest a further outing. Ask Corinne to contact you.
  2. You are Sandrine or Stéphane. Write a short email in French to your family about your first few days in Australia.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 2 – le camping est super cool!

Listen to this conversation.

Camping conversation.mp3

Question 1

Answer the following questions in English.

  1. What will the group of friends do next weekend?
  2. What arrangements have they made for the weekend and what factors led to these arrangements?
  3. What does Martine want to bring with her?
  4. Explain why Martine rejects the invitation.

Question 2

Match each expression in the left hand column with one in the right hand column to complete a statement related to the text you heard.

Martine est allergique

Jean Paul et Véronique

Martine aime bien

Le camping permet de

Le lit est plus confortable

Martine verra ses copains

lundi matin à l'école

son portable, son DVD et son ordinateur

que le sac de couchage

s'évader du quotidien

aux moustiques

vont faire du kayak le weekend prochain

Offline activities

  1. Imagine that you are one of the people in the group who went camping last weekend. Write an email in French to a friend about the trip. Mention where you went, some of the activities you did and the people you were with.
  2. Imagine it is the holidays and you have been invited to go camping with some friends. Write the conversation you will have with your parents to convince them that you need to relax because you have been working hard at school.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:

  1. What are the girl’s hobbies?
  2. Summarise the group’s activities.
  3. How do her parents show support?