French Beginners

Education and work


Activity 1 – puis-je me présenter?

Four people introduce themselves. Listen to their introductions and to complete the activities which relate to each person.








True or false?

  1. Francis is from France.
  2. Francis’ grandfather has a vineyard and makes wine.
  3. Francis works at his grandfather’s farm everyday.
  4. Francis doesn’t like helping out at harvest time because he thinks it’s too much hard work.
  5. After the grapes have been harvested the workers are driven home.

Offline activities

Imagine you are Francis. You have just met someone who wants to find out more about you. Answer the following questions the person asks you.

  1. Quel est le métier de ton grand-père?
  2. Où se trouve le vignoble de la famille?
  3. Que fais-tu pendant les vacances?
  4. Que se passe-t-il après les vendanges?
  5. Tu as un petit boulot?

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.




Answer the following questions in English.

  1. Who is Charlotte?
  2. Describe where Charlotte lives?
  3. Who is Véronique?
  4. Do you think that Charlotte likes school? Support your opinion with evidence from the text.
  5. What will influence Charlotte’s choice of career?
  6. Explain why Charlotte wants to go to Japan.
  7. How does her parents’ work impact on their family life?

Offline activities

  1. In French, describe Charlotte to a friend. Express your opinion of Charlotte and her family and say why you think Charlotte would or would not fit in with your own circle of friends.
  2. Imagine you are Charlotte. Your parents have asked you to give up your bedroom for three nights for a visiting friend. You will be sleeping with Véronique in her room during those nights. Role-play the conversation that takes place between you and your parents or between you and Véronique the day before the visitor’s arrival.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.




Answer each of the following questions in English.

  1. Describe Marc’s attitude to school.
  2. Who are the members of Marc’s family?
  3. Comment on Marc’s relationship with the members of his family. Support your opinion with evidence from the text.
  4. How do you know Marc really appreciates being able to do what he wants?

Offline activities

  1. Imagine you are a radio interviewer. With a partner taking the role of Marc, role play an interview in French, asking Marc questions about himself and his family. Use information from the text you heard in Step 1 as your source.
  2. Imagine you are Marc. Write a diary entry for the day you got a job as a mechanic. In your entry, include your feelings about the job and how it will fit in with your plans for the future.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.



Offline activities

  1. How well do you think Christelle has fitted into life in Australia? Support your opinion with reference to the text.
  2. Imagine you are Christelle. Role-play a conversation in French with your Spanish friend, Isabel, in which you propose an outing.

Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.

Concluding activities

Listen to the introductions again and then complete the following activities in English or French.

  1. Fill in the appropriate information about Charlotte, Marc and Christelle in this worksheet (Word 93 kB) and then check your answers (Word 95 kB).
  2. Compare the personalities of the four people. Do any of them share something in common with you? Choose one person and compare how that person is similar or different to you in personality, character, likes, dislikes etc.
  3. You have been given the task of interviewing one of the people for the school magazine. Which person will you choose? Write the script of your interview in French.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 2 – le petit boulot

Listen to this conversation.

Student shopkeeper conversation.mp3

Question 1

Complete the following statements by selecting the most appropriate ending.

  1. The people having this conversation are
    • a shopkeeper and a customer.
    • a shopkeeper and a student.
    • a student and a teacher in a shop.
  2. This conversation is taking place
    • inside a shop.
    • in a large department store.
    • in a café.
  3. The purpose of the conversation is
    • to give instructions.
    • to interview.
    • to sell merchandise.
  4. This workplace
    • is open 24 hours a day.
    • employs only people who speak French.
    • serves a multi-lingual clientele.
  5. The girl can work
    • sometimes on weekends.
    • everyday, as she is leaving school soon.
    • after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  6. The girl
    • is asked to start work immediately.
    • is asked to start work next Wednesday at 4 pm.
    • is not offered a position.

Question 2

Answer each of the following questions in English.

  1. Why did the girl take her résumé with her?
  2. Why would the girl be suitable for the job?

Offline activities

  1. Write the advertisement in French that the girl saw in the shop window. Use the information from the interview as a guide.
  2. Imagine that you are the shop manager who interviewed the girl. Write an entry in the shop’s ‘logbook’ recounting the interview and your reasons for giving the girl the job.
  3. You are the girl who was interviewed. Email a friend about your job interview today.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.