Interpreting the work


When interpreting a dance work, it is important to consider the context in which the work was choreographed. This could include the choreographer's background and the time or place the work was created.

Some specific contexts you could consider when interpreting 'Sarabande' are:

  • the 'Black and White Ballets'

  • the origins of the term sarabande

  • paradoxes

  • men and contemporary masculinity

  • symbols.


  1. What is a sarabande?

  2. Why do you think Kylián named this work 'Sarabande'?

  3. Research and record what others have said 'Sarabande' is about. Ensure that you reference your research.

  4. Find 2 movement examples from the work that support the suggested interpretation of 'Sarabande'.

  5. Describe your personal interpretation of 'Sarabande'.

In your response ensure that you provide specific examples from the work, using technical and descriptive language. To fully justify your statements, you may like to include:

  • knowledge of Kylián’s background, training and influences

  • the context in which the work was created

  • the use of space, time and dynamics

  • the aural components of the work

  • the visual components of the work

  • the gender of the dancers

  • the relationship of 'Sarabande' to the other 'Black and White Ballets'.

Ensemble performing Sarabande

References and images