Chinese identity in the international context

Responding to texts

Question 1

Listen to the text and answer the question that follows. (Open media player in full screen, if required.)


你认为澳洲华裔中学生应该怎样面对身份认同问题?字数要求大约 130 汉字。

In your opinion, how should Australian Chinese high school students face the dilemma of the recognition of their identity? Write approximately 130 characters in Chinese.

Question 2

Listen to Text 1 and read Text 2 and then answer the question that follows.

Text 1 (Open media player in full screen, if required.)


Text 2



你们二十年多前从上海移民澳洲,虽然已经在这儿生活了那么久,也加入了澳大利亚国籍,但是在你们的心里,却固执地认为自己还是中国人。我可生在澳大利亚,长在澳大利亚,我一直就觉得自己是澳大利亚人,但是你们却说我是 “香蕉人” 。

我知道,你们希望我多了解一些中国文化,但是我们生活在澳大利亚,不是要 “入乡随俗” 吗?你们每个星期六都逼着我去学中文。中文那么难学,那些方块字我怎么画都画不好。现在,你们只要一听说我要放弃学中文,就大发脾气。可我觉得,在澳大利亚,主要使用的语言是英语,学不学习中文对我来说并不重要。海外华人的第二代、第三代不会中文,已经是一个普遍现象。你们为什么非要我做一个中西文化之间的 “夹缝人” 呢?

不学中文,并不意味着我就没有前途。我认为只要自己努力, 我的人生旅途上也一定会很美好的。请你们放心吧。

儿子 雷雷


抱歉 – sorry

融入 – assimilate

放弃 – give up

夹缝人 – a person caught in a two-way squeeze


以上两份材料反映出爸爸和雷雷在哪些方面看法不同?字数要求大约 150 英文字。

With reference to the letter and the email, what are the differences in points of view between the father and son on the issues discussed? Write approximately 150 words in English.

Question 3

Read the text and answer the question that follows.

万众欢聚唐人街, 一心共庆中国年




春节庆祝活动已经成了悉尼的一道风景线。家住北悉尼的 Taylor 先生带了妻子、儿女来观看。他说,他一家对中国文化非常感兴趣,几乎每年都来看春节游行。在欣赏了中国的音乐、舞蹈、武术、服装等后,再去中国餐馆享受中国食品。这是他们全家要谈论好几天的乐事。




假设你在场观看了今年的中国城春节游行活动。用中文写一篇日记,记录这个活动,并表达你的感受。字数要求 180 汉字左右。

Imagine you went to watch this year’s Chinese New Year parade. Write a diary to recount the event and to express your feelings. Write approximately 180 characters in Chinese.

Creating texts

Write approximately 300 characters in Chinese on each question.

Question 1


In recent years, learning Chinese language has become more and more popular. Write a letter to the editor of the Australian Chinese Daily newspaper expressing your view on the importance of Chinese children learning their mother tongue.

Question 2

在今天的中文课上,你们讨论了 “香蕉人” 和 “芒果人” 的问题。给学校报纸写一篇文章谈谈你对 “香蕉人” 和 “芒果人” 的看法。

Today, you have just had a discussion about ‘Banana person’ and ‘Mango person’ in class. Write an article for the school newsletter giving your opinions on the topic, ‘Banana person’ and ‘Mango person’.