Kindergarten Buddies


Kindergarten students will meet their Year Six Buddy at the beginning of the school year. The Year Six buddies help the new Kindergarten children navigate the new school environment and help the children throughout their first year at BHNPS. Throughout the year, students meet with their buddy once a week. They are involved in a range of activities, including activities to develop Fundamental Movement Skills, Peer Support Lessons and socialising while eating lunch. Kindergarten students immensely enjoy meeting with their Year Six buddies each week and close friendships are created.

Selection Process

All Kindergarten and Year Six students participate in the Kindergarten Buddy Program.

What the program looks like

Kindergarten students meet with their Year Six buddy for approximately half an hour each week and each term there is a different focus of activities.

The focus of the first term, is on the buddies getting to know each other. Year Six buddies often join the new Kindergarten students in the playground at recess and lunch. During this time, they escort them to different places in the school to ensure that they don’t get lost, such as the office, sick bay, the canteen or the toilets, as well as help them find friends to play with if they are feeling lonely or shy. Year Six buddies will also join the Kindergarten students during eating time once per week and socialise while eating lunch.

Later in the year, Year Six buddies are involved in a Fundamental Movement Skills Program with the Kindergarten buddies. This too is for approximately half an hour per week and in this session the Year Six children pre-prepare a skill or sport game to teach to their Kindergarten buddy. The Kindergarten children love being active in this way with their buddies and enjoy running around with them on the school oval. When outdoor activities are not possible, Year Six students can also come into the Kindergarten classrooms for activities, such as reading or joining the Kindergarten students in classroom play.

Benefits of the Program

The Kindergarten Buddy Program fosters a feeling of connectedness and belonging for both our Year Six students and new Kindergarten children.

Kindergarten students feel supported through having an older peer mentor to go to for help or support. In addition to this, our Year Six students have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills, communication skills and organisational skills. Ongoing and lasting friendships are often made through this program.

Meet the teachers

Laura Hines and Georgia Sugiana (Assistant Principal coordinators). All Kindergarten and Year Six teachers are also involved in this program.