Extra-Curricular Activities

‘The High Potential and Gifted Education Policy promotes engagement and challenge for every student, regardless of background, in every school across intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical domains. It supports every student to achieve their educational potential, through talent development opportunities and differentiated teaching and learning practices to ensure that their specific learning and wellbeing needs are met.’ (DoE High Potential and Gifted Education Policy 2020).

Students at Baulkham Hills North Public School are provided with opportunities to translate their potential into performance. This site outlines the ways that staff at BHNPS nurture wonder and ignite passion in students in the four domains of intellectual, physical, creative and social emotional potential. The vast array of extra-curricular activities support deep learning and

This site aims in identifying the extracurricular opportunities that are available to participate in at Baulkham Hills North Public School. With high expectations, dedication and experience from the staff, we aim in providing opportunities that develop talent and higher performance. Our school goal is to enable all students the opportunity to participate in an extracurricular subject that they are passionate about. 

Student Leadership

Creative and Performing Arts

