Premier's Reading Challenge


The Premier’s Reading Challenge is run by the NSW government for all students in NSW. It aims to encourage a love of reading for fun and enables students to read texts of diverse genres, authors and formats they may not usually read. The Premier’s Reading Challenge is completed each year at Baulkham Hills North Public School as part of regular library lessons.

Selection Process 

· There is no selection process for this event. All students K-6 participate.

The Program

  • The program runs from March to August every year

  • Students must read at least 15 (3-6) or 25 (K-2) books that are on the Premier’s Reading Challenge list. Books on these lists can be found on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website. Most books in the library that appear on these lists are marked with coloured stickers indicating the challenge level they belong to so students can easily access texts.

  • Reading records are completed during library lessons with the help of the librarian and validated at the end of the challenge.

  • Certificates are handed out to students in the last two weeks of Term 4. Special gold certificates are awarded for four completed challenges and Platinum certificates after seven years of completion. Medals are awarded if a student completes the challenge every year from Year 3 to Year 9.

  • BHNPS has a completion rate of above 90% every year.

Benefits of the Program 

The Premier’s Reading Challenge provides opportunities for students to read for enjoyment. It encourages students to read diverse genres, authors and formats which they may not read otherwise. Picture books feature proximately in all levels of the challenge which reminds us that reading is fun.

Meet the teacher

Louise Mashiah – Teacher Librarian