

Mindfulness is a program offered during lunch time for students in Years 3 and 4 with the opportunity to expand to K-6 in 2022. In today's fast paced society, it is increasingly important to teach children how to find calm within themselves, regardless of what is happening in the world around them.

Selection Process

Mindfulness does not have a selection process and students are encouraged to join whenever they feel they need some calm or would like a quiet space to go inwards. Mindfulness has many benefits and we believe all students should have access to the program.

What does the program look like?

Our Mindfulness sessions go for approximately half an hour and we come together and talk about how our week has been and offer each other some strategies and support for any difficulties we have faced. We discuss ways to calm ourselves when we have big feelings and practise breathing techniques. At the end of each Mindfulness session, we meditate and set homework for the week ahead which may be positive affirmations, positive self-talk, gratitude, random acts of kindness or breathing exercises.

Benefits of the program

Mindfulness is scientifically proven to reduce worries, create a sense of calm, regulate emotions, improve concentration, increase productivity, develop a sense of empathy and connectedness and improve sleep quality. The students who attend Mindfulness have the added benefit of finding like-minded friends in a safe, calm and supportive environment.

Meet the teachers/deliverers

Mrs Giordmaina delivers the Mindfulness program and has a strong belief in educating the whole child. Wellbeing practices are the foundation of this program and Mindfulness offers students an extra opportunity to be known, valued and cared for at Baulkham Hills North Public School.