Green Team


We are all custodians of our country and natural resources so we should care for our global environment and school environment accordingly to reduce our carbon footprint.


Care - To care for and protect our local and school environment

Reduce - To reduce waste and increase recycling of waste at school and at home

Educate - To educate our students and community about environmental issues and improved practises

Selection Process

Class nominations or by open invitation for anyone keen to attend

What will each session look like? 

Students meet at the vegetable patch after eating time (once a week). Participate in various garden, waste pick-up/sorting tasks or educational training.


• Hands-on gardening skills

• Environmental workshops

• Leadership and mentoring of others

• Market stall preparation, marketing and sales

Benefits of the program 

• Students are engaged in a lunch activity that benefits our school environment

• Students are empowered to make a difference by themselves and as part of a larger group

• Engages students who may feel on the fringe socially or who need to dig in the dirt

• Students learn new life-long skills by environmental education and practise

Meet the teachers 

Felicity Johnson and Rose Fillery