

The BHNPS recorder program provides students in Years 2-6 with an opportunity to learn an instrument and to participate in a music program that enhances and compliments all aspects of their learning.

Selection Process

Students can choose to join the recorder program starting at the end of Year 2.

A Performance Recorder group is available for successfully auditioned students from Years 3-6. Auditions will take place in Term 1 each year. Students who show dedication, musical skill and commitment to learning the instrument and have the opportunity to progress to the Performance Recorder group.

Performance Opportunities

The Performance Recorder Group has the opportunity to perform at the Festival of Instrumental Music at the Town Hall each Year as well as performing at various school events throughout the year.

· Hills Performing Arts Festival

· Festival of Instrumental Music at the Opera House

· Castle Towers Education Week

· Aminya Annual Christmas Concert

· Presentation Day

· Showcase Evenings

· School Assemblies