
Stage 1 Choir

Students from Years 1 & 2

Stage 2 Choir

Students from Years 3 & 4

Stage 3 Choir

Students from Years 5 & 6

Combined Choir

Students in Years 3 - 6

School Spectacular Choir

Students from Years 5 & 6

Boomwhacker Choir

Students from Years 3 - 6


Singing is an ability that we are all born with, but to sing well- in tune and in time, is a skill which we can further develop with time and practice. Many of the students at Baulkham Hills North Public School enjoy singing and the choir program helps to develop their gifting, skills and enjoyment of their musical instrument, the voice.


The choir program at Baulkham Hills North Public School was established to give students the opportunity to:

  1. develop their singing skills and repertoire,

  1. learn to sing in a choral group, often in two parts, and

  1. to take up creative arts performance opportunities at school and in the community.

Reporting Procedure

Teacher’s will evaluate the student’s achievement by:

  • Observing students as they sing

  • Observing student’s as they learn a composition

  • Keeping a record of their attendance at rehearsals

  • Noting their involvement in performance opportunities.

Selection Process

Students are accepted into the choir program through audition. Early in Term 1 each choir holds auditions for the places within their choir. Some of the older choirs (Stage 2 and Stage 3 Choirs) have their numbers capped due to performance restrictions but the other choirs are more open. Different choirs cater for different ages and the repertoire chosen reflects the student’s singing ability. Teachers choose their choir members on:

  • clarity and volume of their singing voice

  • ability to hold a tune and breath control

  • their enthusiasm for singing

  • ability to commit to coming to choir regularly so they can learn the songs.

Once auditions are over the teachers will publish a list of successful applicants for their choir, who start meeting each week with their teacher to learn the skills of singing chorally and their performance repertoire.

Audition information

Who is able to audition?

Any child who attends Baulkham Hills North PS can audition for a place in one of the choirs. There is a different choir for the students in each stage at BHNPS, with the only exception being the Combined Choir who includes students from years 3-6.

Where and when will the audition take place?

Students will be informed at school and a note will be sent home to all families informing them of the audition days, times and places. All auditions are held in school hours, often during lunch or recess. Teachers will also send reminders to the classroom teachers to remind those who would like to audition.

How to audition?

Each potential choir member will sing, by themselves and without accompaniment, Happy Birthday, Advance Australia Fair or Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. The teacher will listen to the students evaluating their ability to sing each note correctly, in time and with clarity.

What is required?

Students are expected to turn up every week to the rehearsals run for their choir either during a lunch time or before school from 8 a.m.

How do I find out if my child was successful?

Parents or Carers will be notified via note on Sentral if their child was successful in gaining a place, and in which choir.

Teachers will place a list of successful students on display in the quad for reference by the students.

Are parents allowed to watch the audition process?

The audition process is closed to parents and students who are not auditioning. There will be teacher supervision during the audition.

What will each session look like?

Lesson commences - 10 minutes

Students enter the room and, for the older students, sit on either the ‘soprano’ or ‘alto’ side so they can learn and rehearse their part.

The choir session will open with vocal warm-ups and exercises, then continue with the teaching of a song.

The lesson - 30 minutes

Songs will be taught by the teacher modelling the song to the students’ phrase by phrase, which they will sing as an echo. Dynamics and breathing will also be taught. Each song will take at least one week to learn, or longer for more challenging pieces. Songs taught are refined in future lessons. Songs may be learnt unaccompanied and music added as they learn their part of the song being learnt.

Lesson concludes

Revision of teaching points and singing of the song/s learnt.

Benefits of the program

Benefits of the program include:

  1. Choir is non-competitive and fun. All students can be involved and enjoy participating in the choral events.

  1. The students learn to sing chorally as a group.

  1. They learn how to watch the conductor, control their breathing, produce a clear-sounding note, hold the tune (and their part if part-singing) and sing the various repertoire of songs.

  1. The students mix with students they may not otherwise have the chance to meet or mix with.

  1. They learn to overcome their fears and perform for an audience.

Performance Opportunities

Each year the various choirs audition for a performance place in various public performances including those organised by the DET Arts Unit as well as in-school assemblies and performances. Many out-of-school performances have a cost associated with being part of the concert, to pay for transport to and from each rehearsal, and any costs associated with publishing rights. Parents may also need to pay for tickets to attend any performances in which the choir is involved.

Kindergarten Choir

Formed in Term 3.

About 30 students.

School Assemblies and events such as Grandparents Day and for prospective parents at the Kindergarten Information Evening (Term 4).

Stage 1 Choir

For students in Years 1 and 2.

About 30 students.

Performances - School Assemblies and events, Hills Performing Arts Festival (Term 3 as a venue TBC), Education Week concerts including the school Showcase (Term 3, week 3), and Grandparents Day (Term 4, week 3).

Stage 2 Choir

Students in Years 3 & 4.

Capped at 30 students.

Performances - School Assemblies and events, Primary Proms concert (Sydney Town Hall, September, Arts Unit), Education Week concerts including the school Showcase and a performance at Castle Towers (Term 3, week 3).

Stage 3 Choir

Students in Years 5 & 6.

Capped at 36 students.

Performances - School Assemblies and events including Anzac Day (end Term1) and Presentation events (Term 4), Inner Wheel Concert (June, held at various local High schools), Festival of Choral Music concert (Sydney Opera House, September, Arts Unit) (September/October), Education Week concerts including the school Showcase and Castle Towers (Term 3, week 3).

Combined Choir

Students in years 3 to 6

About 25 students.

Performances - School Assemblies and events, Celebration Sing Out concert (October; Sydney Town Hall), Hill Performing Arts Festival (September; Penrith Panthers), Education Week concerts including the school Showcase and a performance at Castle Towers (T3 Week 3).


Training in the school choir program also allows the students in Years 4-6 the opportunity to audition for a place in the Arts Unit NSW Public Schools Junior Singers. This prestigious choir of outstanding student singers meets regularly to learn new songs and perform at a variety of events.

Benefits of the Program

There are many benefits for the students. Through the choir program:

  • students develop their choral singing skills,

  • each student develops their self-confidence

  • each student increases their singing repertoire, many songs learnt in parts.

  • they learn the value of following through on the commitment made to the choir for the year, and

  • they mix with students they may not otherwise meet.

The school can be proud of the achievement of its various choirs. Each choir must pass a challenging audition before being allowed to participate in the Arts Unit concerts, Hills Festival of Performing Arts or the Celebration Sing Out concerts as they have many choirs who wish to participate in these prestigious events. The students proudly represent Baulkham Hills North PS wherever and whenever they perform.