Join in on the fun!

"Attending Only" Registration is still open for every school!

Thank you for your interest in attending STLP State! After multiple deadline extensions, registration for participation in competitions at STLP State closed on March 31.

Now that planning is in motion for the Projects, Challenges and Service Team events at State, no additions can be made. However, your school is still welcome to attend and experience the STLP State Championship for yourselves.

Spectators are invited to explore and learn from the hundreds of Level 2 Project Teams while also interacting with several "playground" areas as part of the STLP Experience. You're welcomed to bring as many students as you please to help inspire them for next STLP season.

Thanks for sharing your estimated numbers to help us plan for your participation. Your registration details will also help keep you in the know about event updates.


3 ways to verify that your school successfully submitted your registration:

STLP Teams are responsible to review email receipt prior to the registration deadline. Something's missing? Jump back in via the "Edit Responses" button and update. Overlooked or omitted entries will not be added past the registration check your receipt!

1. Check Email Receipt

Upon submission, a receipt is sent to the provided email address. Check your inbox and SPAM folder for a message with subject line: "STLP State Championship: April 20, 2022" with an "Edit Response" link.

2. See the Confirmation

Upon hitting "Submit" on your form, you'll reach the confirmation page, thanking you for your submission. Now, go and check your inbox for the receipt with the Edit Response option to confirm accuracy.

3. View the LIVE List

Here's a Google Sheet displaying the name of each school (alphabetically by district) that has submitted a registration. Even if you see your school, be sure to review the email receipt to verify that you registered for every event your students are interested in.

LIVE STLP22 State Registrations