Rosehill High School


Head Teacher Welcome 

Welcome to Rosehill High School, on the Wallyford Learning Campus! 

It is my absolute privilege to have been trusted to develop and nurture a brand new learning community. Over the course of session 22-23, a huge team both within and beyond East Lothian Council worked collaboratively to deliver a world class learning facility. This included extensive engagement with our young people and their families, whose input has been so important in developing a sense of identity from the very beginning.

Our school vision is Rosehill: A place to learn, grow, and thrive.

A sense of place is vital to us, as we are at the heart of the local area. The Wallyford Learning Campus is more than the school. It also provides a library and learning resource centre, leisure facilities, and multi-generational community and education spaces.

We value learning in all its senses, and understand that this isn’t confined to what happens in the traditional classroom. We have developed a curriculum that is designed to enable our young people to grow to be the best version of themselves. We know that we can only thrive when wellbeing, equity and inclusion are at the heart of all we do.

Our core values are respect, kindness and responsibility. These inform both our policies and our practice. Every interaction is an opportunity to influence and we actively seek opportunities to help young people build character as well as qualifications.

Session 23-24 has already been exciting, innovative, and very fast-paced. We won’t think of everything straight away, and we may well make some mistakes along the way- because mistakes are part of learning. We will reflect, evaluate, and modify as we go. To this end, we value the support and input of everyone in our community. Please follow our journey on Twitter @RosehillHS and keep up to date with the Head Teacher Update published each Friday.

With warmest regards,

Ms Gail Preston