Supporting LGBTQ+ Young People at NBHS


LGBTQ+ Terms:

Queer: an umbrella term for anyone who does not identify as ‘cis’ or ‘hetro’.

Lesbian: A girl who is attracted to other girls.

Gay: An umbrella term to describe anyone who is attracted to people of the same gender.

Bisexual: Someone who is attracted to two or more genders. 

Pansexual: Someone who is attracted to people and does not take into account their gender.

Asexual: Someone who is not interested in and/or finds sexual intimacy with anyone repulsive.

Intersex: Someone born with internal or external anatomy of both the male and female sex. 

Transgender: An umbrella term for anyone who identifies as a gender that is different from what they were assigned at birth. 

Cisgender: Someone who identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth.

Nonbinary: Someone who does not identify as male or female but, instead, as a third gender.