
Lab researchers

Job Aben

I am a postdoctoral researcher with a particular interest to understand the influence of the environment on animal movement behaviour, and how these interactions translate into population level processes (functional population connectivity) and patterns (species distributions). To this end, I make use of field data, statistical approaches (e.g., step selection functions), and individual based simulation models (integrating demography, dispersal, and environment). I have applied these models to address applied ecological questions, for example to compare conservation management scenarios in an Afrotropical biodiversity hotspot, as well as more theoretical ones, for example to investigate the potential role of behavioural plasticity in influencing animal range dynamics under human-induced environmental change. 

In my current position, I am modelling the potential role of linear green infrastructure (railway verges in particular) on range expansion of biodiversity in France with the aim to provide practical management recommendations to the railway company (SNCF).

Gonçalo Nogueira

I have a degree in Computer Engineering from the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa and am currently a Master's student in Computer Engineering from the same University. I master web development frameworks like NextJS, NodeJS, and React and databases in MongoDB and Google Firebase. I also have advanced knowledge in many computer areas and programming languages, like CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Java, and C, among others. I'm a very energetic and active person, and I'm highly proactive. I'm also exceptionally self-taught and always knew how to manage even in situations I hadn't mastered. I am a person with good communication skills and a taste for teamwork. My favorite hobbies are traveling, playing sports, and web design. I've played futsal and football.

Currently, I'm at SPIC-Digital Studio as a Web and Full Stack Developer. 

Raul Santos

Sou ecólogo e M.Sc em Ecologia e Conservação, atualmente doutorando em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente na Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido – UFERSA. Desenvolvo pesquisa em Ecologia de Estradas e Ecologia da Paisagem, com enfoque no bioma Caatinga, região semiárida brasileira. Na pesquisa busco compreender como as variáveis da paisagem e da sazonalidade influenciam nas incidências de atropelamento da fauna silvestre da Caatinga. 

Inês Gomes

Inês Gomes is a MSc student in Ecology and Environmental Management by the University of Lisboa within thesis project "Assisted colonization as a tool for adapting to climate change: assessment of environmental conditions for the introduction of Argania spinosa in Portugal".

Mathilde Legressus

The aim of my MSc in Conservation Ecology was to develop a large set of skills in conservation. As such, even if I’ve studied rehabilitation, social behaviour and feeding ecology of primates before (always in regard to their conservation), I am now doing my master thesis on primates extinction risk. We are more precisely looking at the impacts of anthropic pressures, as roads, on primate conservation status. Our study takes place at a global scale, and involve every species of primates.

Former students

Bibiana Terra Dasoler

In my PhD I aim to explore different approaches to improve the planning of mitigation measures to reduce fatalities in roads and railways. I intend to identify the locations to implement these measures in dynamic landscapes and in new infrastructures when we do not have fatalities data.

Tomás Pinto

I'm a master's student conducting the thesis "The influence of roads on the structure and composition of invertebrate communities". With this project, I'm trying to understand the impacts of roads on invertebrate communities, particularly ants, by comparing the differences in each community at different distances from the road.

Rafaela Marques

"The focus of my master thesis was the effect of recreational trails on the vegetation in protected areas, from both an ecological and social perspective. The main objectives were to quantify the changes in the composition of the plant communities caused by the presence and use of recreational trails, depending on the type (formal and informal), and to assess visitors' perceptions and knowledge of the trail network and its impacts on vegetation."

Yuri Ribeiro

I am a Forestry Engineer with M.Sc. in Forestry Resources. PhD candidate. I am an analyst in data and public policies in the ICAS – Wild Animal Conservation Institute, Anteaters and Highways Project and a member of the Conservation Planning Specialist Group, IUCN, Brazil.  I have experience with spatial analysis, online data for conservation use, conservation planning, and human dimensions of conservation.  In my PhD thesis, I will apply a socio-ecological framework to analyze the wildlife-vehicle collision threat, aiming tp act more efficiently in the planning and decision-making of mitigation measures.

Percy Yee, Michael Saliy and Clayton Leung

We are students from Staten Island Technical High School. Dr. Fernando Ascensão is mentoring us, on a study on the effect of roads on the occurrence of songbird populations. We have been gathering data on birds at different distance intervals from the road. We started this project after noticing the negative effects of roads and traffic on the wildlife of Staten Island. Specifically, on major routes we noticed lots of roadkill ranging from deer to squirrels to songbirds. After observing the extent of harmful impacts of roads on our local wildlife we decided to gain further insight by researching how bird populations are specifically affected. 

See here the resulting publication.