Transport and energy infrastructure Ecology

Fernando Ascensão, PhD

I am an Assistan Researcher at Faculty of Sciences (Universidade de Lisboa), within the group eChanges of research center cE3c. My research is on landscape ecology, particularly in the field of Road Ecology. The impact of transport and energy infrastructure on biodiversity is an emerging and one of the most challenging research fields in ecology, given the urgency of finding solutions that enable a sustainable coexistence between human development and biodiversity. I am interested in understanding how road encroachment (and other infrastructure) relate with changes in species composition and their interactions. I am also interested in mapping infrastructure and predicting their impacts, from local to global scales. 

Here is my ful CV.

Author identifiers

SCOPUS: 15769021300

ORCID: 0000-0003-1704-0212

CIÊNCIA ID: 2C17-1BFD-1228

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Professional address / Contact

Faculdade de Ciências Universidade de Lisboa,

Edifício C2, 6º Piso, Sala 2.6.13, 1749-016 Lisboa

Email: /

Studies: Degree in Biology (FCUL), Master in Conservation Biology (UE), PhD in Conservation Biology (FCUL)


cE3c - Center for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes &

CHANGE - Global Change and Sustainability Institute