

Seminário na Universidade de Évora, no dia 2 de maio (também online, via zoom:  https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/95949594236)


In the Ciência Viva nos Pátios project, students and teachers from the 1st cycle of basic education develop research projects in which schoolyards are at the center of learning, and go through the various stages of the scientific process, from asking questions and formulating from hypotheses, through research and experimentation, to obtaining and communicating results.

Pavilhão do conhecimento

Every now and then, I am invited to give lectures for different kinds of audience, from schools to senior researchers. In the last years I was invited by Pavilhão do Conhecimento (2022 and 2023) to meet future scientists of  "Sarah Afonso", "Parque Silva Porto", and "António Nobre" schools.

🌳🚗🐾 Ecology of roads? The meeting with the scientist from the Living Science School of Knowledge Pavilion is always amazing! This week we received the biologist Fernando Ascensão, researcher at the Faculty of Science at the University of Lisbon, who came to share with the students of the 4th grade. the year of Parque Silva Porto and António Nobre Basic Schools the impact that roads, railways and high voltage posts have on biodiversity. There are roads all over the world. In forests and deserts, the amount of communication routes is lower. In the other areas, it is very high, which makes the impact on biodiversity great. The Iberian lynx, for example, was almost extinct. It has been very hard to reintroduce and increase the number of animals, however this mission has been compromised because many lynx are road-killed. Roads separate animals from laying eggs, create noise pollution, and make way for previously inaccessible areas in the forest. However, some infrastructures can also be beneficial, such as the high-voltage pylons where storks build their nests, as we see in many regions of Portugal. But what can we do to lessen this impact? Placing signs at the animal crossing, driving slower on the roads, and building crossings were some of the ideas students came up with! If we all realize the importance of these measures, through Citizen Science, we can pressure Governments and entities to lessen the impacts of roads on biodiversity. 

Check out this cool video that the students prepared after my talk!

Media and other publications

ebook "Impacto dos Transportes na Fauna", editado por Freitas, S.R, Mendonça, R.R. & Baptista, M.B.A. 2023. Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo André, 285 p. (ISBN 978-65-5719-061-6). 

Jornal Público

Sobre la eficacia de las medidas destinadas a reducir atropellos de fauna. Quercus 409 - Marzo 2020

El impacto de las infraestructuras ferroviarias sobre la fauna. Quercus. Febrero 2018

Environmental Protection on the Belt and Road. China-US Focus - Oct 2018

Nature Sustainability Community. May 2018

Sviluppo delle infrastrutture su larga scala: impatti ambientali a livello locale e globale. OrizzonteCina, 2018.

INTELCITIES. April, 2021

gDefrag: Graph-Based Landscape De-Fragmentation. R package.