Develop your personal interests, and your practical, creative, and social skills. Improve on an existing skill, or try something new!

From podcasting to playing a musical instrument, the Skills section is a great way to learn a new talent, develop existing skills and find something you enjoy doing.

Through developing practical skills and gaining personal interests and talents, you can get a real sense of achievement.

If you’re interested in a specific field, this could be the perfect chance for you to do something related to this. For example, if you are interested in photography, you could do this as your skill.

You can improve confidence and develop practical and social skills whilst learning how to rise to a challenge.

Examples of Skills:

  • Music - singing, learning an instrument, music event management
  • Sports related - sports officiating, refereeing, ground maintenance
  • Arts and crafts - ceramics, jewellery making, drawing, painting, photography
  • Nature and the environment - agriculture, astronomy, fishing, gardening
  • Communication - film, languages, reading, writing, public speaking, journalism, website development
  • Games - Snooker or pool, chess, darts, backgammon, go


  • Discovering new abilities and developing these or improving existing talents
  • Increasing self-confidence by successfully setting and achieving a goal
  • Refining awareness of one’s own potential
  • Developing time management and planning skills
  • Enhancing self-motivation
  • Interacting socially by meeting new people and interacting with other people in a meaningful way
  • Improving employability by learning vocational skills
  • Enjoyment