Portal Site for AAAs: Academic Achievement Archive for students, GSFS

AAAsの使い方(学生向け)  How to use the AAAs (for students)

2024.1.26 システム不具合のお知らせ Notice of System Failure


There is a problem with some of the dates in the registration items, where the incorrect date is uniformly registered as "December 22, 2023".

2023.12.27【論文の種別更新のお知らせ Paper Category Update】


Due to system renovation, "Category" of "2. Paper" has been partially updated. Click here for more details.

1.ログイン Login 

アーカイブURL | Archive URL  https://aaas.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/

●  ログイン ID | Login ID   : UTokyoアカウント番号(10 桁数字)| Designated Account number (10 digits)

●  初期パスワード | Initial PW   : UTokyoアカウント番号(同上の10桁数字)| UTokyo Account (10 digit number as above)

※ セキュリティー上の観点から初期パスワードは変更されることをお勧めします。※ メールアドレスが登録されている場合は、ログイン後にアーカイブ内メインメニュー「パスワード変更」からパスワードを変更できます。 メールアドレスの事前登録がない場合は、こちらまでご連絡ください。* For security reasons, it is recommended to change the initial password to a more secure one.
* If your email address is registered in advance, you can change your iInitial password after logging in to the AAAs  : Main menu > [Password Change]
  If your e-mail address is not yet registered, pleae contact us.

.新たに入学、博士課程へ進学する学生向け For the students newly enrolled, or gone on to doctoral program

Here you can refer to the document provided at the orientation for the newly enrolled students (including information for the students who will go on to the doctoral course).

●  新入学生ガイダンス | Orientation Guidance for Newly Enrolled Students (2024.4)

3.データ入力・編集について Data entry and editing


All GSFS master's and doctoral student research accomplishment information should be archived. (Not linked to any other systems)

●  AAAsには新領域創成科学研究科の修士課程、または博士課程在籍中の研究業績を入力し学部在学中のものは含めません。(2021年度以降)

AAAs is intended to include research from master's and doctoral courses at GSFS, not from undergraduate programs (beginning in AY2021).

●  修士から博士に課程進学する場合、ログイン情報は保持され、登録情報はそれぞれで付与される学籍番号で区別します

As students move from master's to doctoral courses,  the login (account) ID remains the  10-digit UTokyo common number, and the distinction is based on the student ID number assigned to each program. 

●  基本的には学生自身が各自のデータ入力を行います。学生は入力したデータの編集、抽出もできます。(一部の登録項目については、管理者がデータの入力を行います。)

Basically, students enter their own data and are able to edit and extract it. (The system administrator will enter some of the registration information.)

●  利用者(学生)の基本情報に指導教員登録されていれば、その指導教員は、担当する学生のデータ閲覧、編集、抽出できます

If a faculty member is registered as the supervisor on the profile page, the faculty member can view, edit, and extract data from the user student.

●  入力や選択に迷う場合は、指導教員等に相談してより適切と思われるものを入力または選択しましょう。

If you are not sure what to enter or select in a section, consult your supervisors and enter or select the one that seems more appropriate.

●  AAAsの画面はバイリンガルですが、登録データは分かれていないので、日本語または英語のいずれかで入力しましょう。

The AAAs' interface is bilingual, but data can be entered in either Japanese or English as it is not registered separately.

●  規定の項目に入らないものは「備考」欄に入力しましょう

Use the "Remarks" section to enter anything that does not fit into the required fields.

●  収集データは学生の学位課程修了後6年間保存します。(中途退学者も同じ)

Collected data will be kept for 6 years after the students’ graduation. (Same for the early leavers.)

4.データ定義 Data Definition

学生の基本情報 | Profile


Initially registered when the account is created. (After the initial registration, users can edit the information if necessary)


As you progress from master's to doctoral courses, your registration information will be linked by the student number assigned to each course.


     The same login ID can be used to edit, view, and extract data for both degree courses.

論文 | Paper


All papers published while in the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, whether single or co-authored, domestic or international, should be registered. (including master's / doctoral dissertations)

For ”Category," select the one you feel is most appropriate. If you are unsure of your choice, consult your supervisor.

When entering thesis/dissertation data for a degree, select "YES" for "First Author" and enter the date review or approval date for "Publication Date".

You can enter up to 1024 half-width characters in the "Title (Papers)" field.


In the "International Co-authorship" field, select whether or not the paper is co-authored with a researcher from a foreign research institution.

For "Can Be Considered Particularly Important", select YES if this achievement is considered particularly important among your own achievements. If you are unsure of your choice, consult your supervisor.

書籍・(論文以外の)著作物 | Book・Other Publications


Enter all published books and copyrighted works other than papers.

For "Can Be Considered Particularly Important", select YES if this achievement is considered particularly important among your own achievements. If you are unsure of your choice, consult your supervisor.

会議・学会等発表 | Conference・Presentation


Register the information about the presentations (oral, poster, etc.) on and off campus.


If the presentation is scheduled for multiple days at the same event, enter the first day in the "Presentation Date" field.


If the same presentation is given at different locations, or if different content is presented at the same event, register them separately.

For "Can Be Considered Particularly Important", select YES if this achievement is considered particularly important among your own achievements. If you are unsure of your choice, consult your supervisor.


受賞情報 | Award


Register all award information, whether domestic or international.

For "Can Be Considered Particularly Important", select YES if this achievement is considered particularly important among your own achievements. If you are unsure of your choice, consult your supervisor.


The "Related Website" field should be filled with the official URL of the awarding organization/event, or where the fact of awarding can be confirmed.

新聞・雑誌等への記事掲載 | Newspaper・Magazine Article


Enter media coverage such as newspapers and magazines.


Also include appearances on radio, television, and other audio and visual media as well.


For online publication of papers, books, articles, etc., you can also enter the URL of the information in the "Media Publication" field.
* In this case, "Authorship" options should be interpreted as "individual or group", the "Author's Name" field as "Performer’s Name", etc., as required.

For "Can Be Considered Particularly Important", select YES if this achievement is considered particularly important among your own achievements. If you are unsure of your choice, consult your supervisor.

特許・知財等 | Patent・Intellectual Property


Register patents or intellectual property filed while at the degree course.


Register all patents or intellectual property applications, including those that have not yet been filed.

For "Can Be Considered Particularly Important", select YES if this achievement is considered particularly important among your own achievements. If you are unsure of your choice, consult your supervisor.


起業 | Start-up


Enter information about the business or other entity you started while at the degree course.

For "Can Be Considered Particularly Important", select YES if this achievement is considered particularly important among your own achievements. If you are unsure of your choice, consult your supervisor.


その他の活動等 | Other Activities


Enter information about internships, social activities (including volunteering), arts and sports, etc.

For "Can Be Considered Particularly Important", select YES if this achievement is considered particularly important among your own achievements. If you are unsure of your choice, consult your supervisor.


教育プログラム採択実績 | Education Programs

国際卓越大学院プログラム(WINGS)、SPRING GX、日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC)等の情報が入る。

This section includes information about the World-leading Innovatige Graduate Study Program (WINGS), SPRING GX, JSPS DC, etc.


 System administrator enters the data. Students can only view and extract information.

TA・RA等情報 | TA・RA


This section includes information about Teaching Assistant (TA), Research Assistant (RA), On-campus jobs, Junior Staff, Tutor, etc.

In the "Details" field, enter information such as subject and project names.


 Basically, the system administrator enters the data. For off-campus information, students are responsible for entering their own information.

研究費・助成金等 | Research Fund・Grant


Enter the information about the research fund, grant, or other award program.

その他の経済的支援 | Other Financial Support


Enter the information on MEXT Scholarship, JASSO scholarships, The University of Tokyo Fellowship, other private scholarships, etc.


 Some of the information will be entered by the system administrator.


その他 | Others

業績を登録する際の学籍番号は 、入力時ではなく 実績当時(論文発表日、特許申請または登録日、研究費が採択された日等) の課程における学籍番号で行うこと。

Achievement data should be entered and saved with the student ID at the time of achievement (date of publication of a paper, date of filing a patent application, date of receipt of a research grant, etc.), not at the time of the data entry.

対応ブラウザ (推奨)| Supported browsers (recommended)

Chrome / Firefox / Microsoft Edge / Safari

.問い合わせ窓口 Inquiry

新領域創成科学研究科 教育支援室

Education Support Office, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

Email gsfs.aaasedu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp (★を@に変更して下さい | Change★ to @)