
Elementary Tutoring

Grades: 11-12

Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: Discussion with counselor

Graduation requirement: Elective

Description: This course provides the opportunity for high school students to work directly with school age children at Discovery Elementary School. Tutors participate in a variety of educational programs on a one-to-one basis. Tutors are asked to help children with reading, math, spelling, and art, as well as helping the classroom teacher with bulletin boards and correcting classroom work. Tutors must demonstrate punctuality, reliability, initiative, and enthusiasm. Reliable students who are considering a child-related career or enjoy working with children are encouraged to take this course.

Instructional Practicum

Grades: 11-12

Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: Teacher permission

Graduation requirement: Elective

Description: Students will assist students of differing abilities in a specific subject area, learn about themselves and grow as learners and leaders. Students must have earned a ‘B’ or better in the subject they are completing their practicum in, and have prior approval by the teacher. This experience matches up students who want to help others with those that need help. Students in the program must demonstrate reliability, initiative, and ability to get along with all kinds of people, as well as have strong academic and communication skills. The student will be expected to keep a reflective journal as they track their own progress and goals. Along with ongoing formative assessments and guidance, the teacher will provide a rubric to lend clarity and timely grade-checks throughout the semester.


Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: Elective

Description: The following topics will be covered in class: project planning, community service, goal setting, problem solving/decision making/creative thinking, group dynamics, communication skills, use of technology, individual projects, management, & leadership careers.

Full Year enrollment:

  • 3rd period Leadership Class

  • Elected executives & class senators are required to enroll in this course for a full school year

  • Four elected ASB class senators per grade level

  • Five elected ASB executive officers

  • Appointed positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, & Activities Coordinator

  • Any other interested students will be enrolled in the option below

Semester long enrollment is open to:

  • 4th Period Leadership Class

  • Any interested students as space allows

  • Students who are interested in building a positive environment at our school

  • Students who have interest in running for office or senate in the future

  • Students are only able to enroll in this class one time, if they wish to continue on with Leadership they must run for student office or student senate

Teaching Assistant/Main Office/Library/Counseling TA

Grades: 11-12

Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: Teacher permission and a 2.0 minimum GPA

Graduation requirement: Elective

Description: This opportunity is available to juniors and seniors who have taken the course and who wish to continue the study of the subject or assist the Teacher/Office Manager/Librarian/Counseling Office.