Counseling & Student Support

Counseling & Student Support Team

Kate Bossenbroek A - Deb

Barrett Tritle Dec - Hil

Jaime Ecklund Him - Mis

Jessica Samsen Mit - Sch

Jack Harry Sci – Z 

Kelly Jackson Career Center Specialist 

Teresa Johnson Registrar

Renae Landram Counseling Secretary

Sal Severe School Psychologist 

Course Registration Procedures

Choosing Classes:

Students and their parents are to use this Course Catalog in order to select classes that will be most beneficial to the individual student. Students are asked to indicate all of the classes they expect to take next year for a total of twelve (12) semester classes. Please take this process seriously; class choices determine what we will offer and the courses you will be taking. Be sure to check the prerequisite for each class to ensure that you will be allowed to register for the course. Selecting a class indicates a commitment to that course. You will be expected to remain in any course you select. Choose your classes carefully as you will be spending 18 weeks or a full school year in them.  If you do not understand a course description, ask your counselor or teacher for further explanation. Be sure you sign up for classes required for graduation.

All courses offered will depend on sufficient student registration numbers in those courses. 

Parent Help in Course Selection:

Students and parents are encouraged to use the career pathways, course descriptions, graduation requirements, and the four-year plan in determining the individual course plan. Each student registration forms must have a parent signature when turned in. A complete four-year plan is a rough guide and students may change it as they develop new or different goals. Counselors are prepared to assist students and parents with additional help, if needed.


Students will have the opportunity to work with a counselor to determine credits earned, review graduation requirements, and to develop or renew a five-year plan through the annual registration process.


Information gained through the registration process will be used to help develop the Master Schedule. Parents and students need to be very careful in these course selections because students will be expected to adhere to their course choices.

Request for Course Change:

During the first 10 days of a semester, student withdrawals from a class will only be authorized for the following reasons:

Students cannot be placed in alternative classes for credit after this ten-day period. The student must remain in the registered class until an official change has been made through counselors and the administration. Failure to attend classes for which a student is officially enrolled will result in an “F” grade on the transcript.

Given the large number of students and our efforts to be consistent and fair to all when considering changes, requests for a different teacher are only approved if there is compelling evidence of need. At no time will student or parent requests to be placed with a specific teacher be honored.