Service Projects

Learning 4 Fun

Escola do Futuro has also asked for input and online collaboration to strengthen their English language Program. Ms. Hasti Khoshnammanesh, Coordinator of a long-term student service project called Learning 4 Fun, began discussions with the administration of Escola do Futuro about how students at School of the Nations could support students at Escola do Futuro. Our students already prepare video classes for children for a local institution. Why not share them with others?

School of the Nations’ Learning 4 Fun Project aims to give English language classes and create other pedagogical activities for children. In its eighth year, the project was created by high school students at School of the Nations as a service project. Our students send weekly video lessons to three institutions: São Judas Tadéu Institute, Monte Moriá Daycare, and Escola do Futuro. The three institutions post the lessons on their online platforms for their students. All three institutions have been partnering with School of the Nations for some time and have benefited from our service projects in various ways. The video lessons follow weekly themes and review what students have learned previously. The Program has had a positive impact on children and is admired by parents and staff at the institutions.