Week 2: April 13-17

Sample Daily Schedule

Daily Learning

Weekly Learning

Try to complete each item below by the end of the week. (The list is alphabetical. You can work on them in any order.)

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:

Motor Skills

Three activities are offered weekly. Click HERE to get started!


Learning Goal:

I can identify how plants and animals change their environments to meet their needs.

Estimated Time for The Week:

10-20 minutes

Type of Lesson:



  • Device with Internet connection

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Let’s think! Look at the pictures on slide three. What do you notice is happening in these pictures? How did this happen?
    • Talk about how trees have roots that grow underground that sometimes need more room to grow! Because of this, they can push up through sidewalks!
    • Watch this fun video about trees and their roots!
  2. Take a look at the next three pictures. What do you notice? How did this happen?
    • Beavers change their environment to meet their needs too! They eat wood from trees. Beavers need ponds to build their homes, so they use branches and sticks to build dams to form these ponds!
    • Watch this fun video about beavers!
  3. Take a look at the next three pictures! What do you notice? How did this happen?
    • Woodpeckers change their environment by pecking holes in trees to build nests in or to search for food!
    • Watch this fun video about woodpeckers!
  4. Let’s play a game!
    • Go through the next few slides- can you figure out who changed each environment?
  5. Want more? Check out the Extension activities!
    • Think about it! What other plants or animals change their environments? What would happen to these plants and animals if they didn’t change their environments?
    • Take a nature walk! Do you see any changes in the environment? Draw a picture or take a picture/video to show your teacher!
    • Watch this video about plants and animals changing their environments to meet their needs: access through eLearning Dashboard to Discovery Education Adaptations: Adapting the Environment.

Social Emotional Learning

Three activities are offered weekly. Click HERE to get started!

Social Studies

Learning Goal:

I can identify responsible ways to spend money.

Estimated Time for The Week:

10-20 minutes

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Watch this video to review needs and wants
  2. Play a game!
    • Look at the pictures presented on the slide. Decide which pictures identify the item you should buy first. *Hint- you always buy needs first.
    • Look at the pictures presented on the slide. Which of these pictures would you want to save your money for?
  3. Want more? Check out the Extension activities!
    • Write or draw a shopping list of things you need at your house.
    • Find a container at home that you can use as a piggy bank.
    • Draw a picture of you saving money to buy something you want.


Learning Goal:

I can observe and create a visual representation of an object found in nature.

Estimated Time for The Week:

30 minutes


  • Straw
  • String
  • Sticks
  • Grass
  • Leaves
  • Plastic egg

Learn & Practice:

  1. Listen to the book The Best Nest by clicking on the title of the book.
  2. Make a list of materials needed to build a nest.
  3. Get up and move! Go on a scavenger hunt outside to collect materials to build a nest.
  4. Start creating your nest by weaving the materials into a circular shape. Place the plastic egg inside the nest.
  5. Try picking up the nest. Did it stay together? If not, how can you improve your design?

Optional extension activity: Create a bird feeder using an empty toilet paper roll, peanut butter, and bird seed!

Specials & More


Computer Science


P.E. & Health

8 Ways To Keep Learning When School Is On A Break
eResources For Learning When School Is On A Break