Computer Science

Kinder - 2nd

Grade For Great Things To Learn This Week

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:


Week 1: April 6-10

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Using loops for repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Sequencing tasks
  • Recognizing patterns
  • Using automation
  • Debugging programs
  • Problem solving

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to Clever and click "Log in with your AD login" button. Then use your student ID and password to login (the instructions for student password information should have been emailed out from your school site. It's important you login to Tynker via Clever so you can access the lessons assigned!).
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom.’
  5. Find Programming 1A.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (1-12) to review and build new skills in coding.


Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. There are 12 lessons in this group and students should work at their own pace. The 40 minute time is merely a suggestion.

Week 2: April 13-17

This week we are introducing a new Computer Science module called Space Cadet!

All of the modules from last week are also still available.

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Flexible sequences
  • Loops
  • Debugging
  • Events
  • Conditional statements
  • Algorithms

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad with Internet connection.

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to Clever.
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Space Cadet.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (1-8) to review and build new skills in coding.

Week 3: April 20-24

This week we are starting a new Computer Science module called Programming 1B (Lessons 1- 7)! All of the modules from last week are also still available.

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Sequencing
  • Repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Keyboard and mouse events
  • Playing sounds
  • Simple motion
  • Animation

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to and login to Clever. (Check the Elementary Login Page for information on how!)
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Programming 1B.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (just lessons 1-7) to review and build new skills in coding.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science!

Week 4: April 27 - May 1

This week we are continuing the module “Programming 1B” and working on lessons 8-14. All of the modules from last week are also still available.

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Sequencing
  • Repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Keyboard and mouse events
  • Playing sounds
  • Simple motion
  • Animation

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to and login on Clever. (Check the Elementary Login Page for information on how!)
  2. Click the app for Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Programming 1B and click that course.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (8-14) to review and build new skills in coding. Do not worry if they were not able to finish 1-7! Start wherever they last left off.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science!

Week 5: May 4-8

This week we are introducing a new Computer Science module called Dragon Spells! All of the modules from the previous weeks are also still available.

This is the last full week of our digital learning experience, however, the Tynker courses are still available with FREE access until May 30th! Feel free to continue coding with Tynker until then!

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

    • Types of loops
    • Decomposition
    • Abstraction
    • Functions
    • Nested loops
    • Input and Output
    • User Interface

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to and login on Clever. (Check the Elementary Login Page for information on how!)
  2. Click the app for Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Dragon Spells.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (1-10) to review and build new skills in coding.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science.

Week 6: May 11-13

All of the modules from the previous weeks are available this week! We encourage your student to explore any program that sparks his/her interest this week!

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Types of loops
  • Decomposition
  • Abstraction
  • Functions
  • Nested loops
  • Input and Output
  • User Interface

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to Clever.
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find any program that sparks your student’s interest.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order to review and build new skills in coding.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science.

1st Grade

Week 1: April 6-10

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Using loops for repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Sequencing tasks
  • Recognizing patterns
  • Using automation
  • Debugging programs
  • Problem solving

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to Clever and click "Log in with your AD login" button. Then use your student ID and password to login (the instructions for student password information should have been emailed out from your school site. It's important you login to Tynker via Clever so you can access the lessons assigned!).
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom.’
  5. Find Programming 1A.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (1-12) to review and build new skills in coding.


Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. There are 12 lessons in this group and students should work at their own pace. The 40 minute time is merely a suggestion.

Week 2: April 13-17

This week we are introducing a new Computer Science module called Space Cadet!

All of the modules from last week are also still available.

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Flexible sequences
  • Loops
  • Debugging
  • Events
  • Conditional statements
  • Algorithms

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad with Internet connection.

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to Clever.
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Space Cadet.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (1-8) to review and build new skills in coding.

Week 3: April 20-24

This week we are starting a new Computer Science module called Programming 1B (Lessons 1- 7)! All of the modules from last week are also still available.

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Sequencing
  • Repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Keyboard and mouse events
  • Playing sounds
  • Simple motion
  • Animation

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to and login to Clever. (Check the Elementary Login Page for information on how!)
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Programming 1B.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (just lessons 1-7) to review and build new skills in coding.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science!

Week 4: April 27 - May 1

This week we are continuing the module “Programming 1B” and working on lessons 8-14. All of the modules from last week are also still available.

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Sequencing
  • Repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Keyboard and mouse events
  • Playing sounds
  • Simple motion
  • Animation

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to and login on Clever. (Check the Elementary Login Page for information on how!)
  2. Click the app for Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Programming 1B and click that course.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (8-14) to review and build new skills in coding. Do not worry if they were not able to finish 1-7! Start wherever they last left off.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science!

Week 5: May 4-8

This week we are introducing a new Computer Science module called Dragon Spells! All of the modules from the previous weeks are also still available.

This is the last full week of our digital learning experience, however, the Tynker courses are still available with FREE access until May 30th! Feel free to continue coding with Tynker until then!

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

    • Types of loops
    • Decomposition
    • Abstraction
    • Functions
    • Nested loops
    • Input and Output
    • User Interface

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to and login on Clever. (Check the Elementary Login Page for information on how!)
  2. Click the app for Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Dragon Spells.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (1-10) to review and build new skills in coding.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science.

Week 6: May 11-13

All of the modules from the previous weeks are available this week! We encourage your student to explore any program that sparks his/her interest this week!

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Types of loops
  • Decomposition
  • Abstraction
  • Functions
  • Nested loops
  • Input and Output
  • User Interface

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to Clever.
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find any program that sparks your student’s interest.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order to review and build new skills in coding.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science.

2nd Grade

Week 1: April 6-10

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Using loops for repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Sequencing tasks
  • Recognizing patterns
  • Using automation
  • Debugging programs
  • Problem solving

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to Clever and click "Log in with your AD login" button. Then use your student ID and password to login (the instructions for student password information should have been emailed out from your school site. It's important you login to Tynker via Clever so you can access the lessons assigned!).
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom.’
  5. Find Programming 1A.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (1-12) to review and build new skills in coding.


Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. There are 12 lessons in this group and students should work at their own pace. The 40 minute time is merely a suggestion.

Week 2: April 13-17

This week we are introducing a new Computer Science module called Space Cadet!

All of the modules from last week are also still available.

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Flexible sequences
  • Loops
  • Debugging
  • Events
  • Conditional statements
  • Algorithms

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad with Internet connection.

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to Clever.
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Space Cadet.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (1-8) to review and build new skills in coding.

Week 3: April 20-24

This week we are starting a new Computer Science module called Programming 1B (Lessons 1- 7)! All of the modules from last week are also still available.

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Sequencing
  • Repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Keyboard and mouse events
  • Playing sounds
  • Simple motion
  • Animation

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to and login to Clever. (Check the Elementary Login Page for information on how!)
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Programming 1B.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (just lessons 1-7) to review and build new skills in coding.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science!

Week 4: April 27 - May 1

This week we are continuing the module “Programming 1B” and working on lessons 8-14. All of the modules from last week are also still available.

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Sequencing
  • Repetition
  • Conditional logic
  • Keyboard and mouse events
  • Playing sounds
  • Simple motion
  • Animation

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to and login on Clever. (Check the Elementary Login Page for information on how!)
  2. Click the app for Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Programming 1B and click that course.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (8-14) to review and build new skills in coding. Do not worry if they were not able to finish 1-7! Start wherever they last left off.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science!

Week 5: May 4-8

This week we are introducing a new Computer Science module called Dragon Spells! All of the modules from the previous weeks are also still available.

This is the last full week of our digital learning experience, however, the Tynker courses are still available with FREE access until May 30th! Feel free to continue coding with Tynker until then!

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

    • Types of loops
    • Decomposition
    • Abstraction
    • Functions
    • Nested loops
    • Input and Output
    • User Interface

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to and login on Clever. (Check the Elementary Login Page for information on how!)
  2. Click the app for Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find Dragon Spells.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order (1-10) to review and build new skills in coding.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science.

Week 6: May 11-13

All of the modules from the previous weeks are available this week! We encourage your student to explore any program that sparks his/her interest this week!

Learning Goal: Basic Programming Concepts including:

  • Types of loops
  • Decomposition
  • Abstraction
  • Functions
  • Nested loops
  • Input and Output
  • User Interface

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes (or more, if you wish!)

Type of Lesson:



Computer, Tablet, or iPad

Learn & Practice:

  1. Go to Clever.
  2. Click the link to Tynker.
  3. Your student’s name should appear in the top left corner if they have logged in correctly.
  4. To the right should be their ‘Classroom’.
  5. Find any program that sparks your student’s interest.
  6. Students work their way through the lessons in sequential order to review and build new skills in coding.

Parents: Do not feel pressure for your student to make it through all of the lessons. More than anything we want your student to have fun exploring Computer Science.

Looking for a future week? Check back after 12:00pm (noon) on Sundays, when new weekly content goes live!