It seems like all this awesome learning is breaking the internet!

We are currently investigating video and audio file access limitations. As part of the remedy, we are in the process of moving all videos to YouTube. Note: On district devices, or when students are logged into a device using their EPS-Google account, only the YouTube videos we have allowed will be available (not YouTube as a whole). Thanks for your patience. We'll keep you posted!

Week 1: April 6-10

Sample Daily Schedule

Daily Learning

Weekly Learning

Try to complete each item below by the end of the week. (The list is alphabetical. You can work on them in any order.)

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:

Motor Skills

Three activities are offered weekly. Click HERE to get started!


Learning Goal:

I can determine and describe what animals need to survive.

Estimated Time for The Week:

10-20 minutes

Type of Lesson:



Electronic device

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  • Think about pets: what do they need to survive?
  • Watch this read aloud about Dinosaur and how he takes care of his new dog! How Do Dinosaurs Love Their Dogs?
  • Listen and sing along to this fun Needs of an Animal Song!
  • Use the next video to learn more about what animals need to be happy and healthy!
  • Play a game!
    • Look at the pictures presented on the slide. Decide which pictures identify what the dog needs most to survive. Click to the next slide to see if your answers were correct! Do the same with the hamster on the next two slides.
  • Follow up questions
    • What four things do animals need most to survive?
    • Will all animals eat the same things or need the same amount of food?
    • Do all animals live in the same types of shelter?
    • What are the different kinds of shelters animals may need?
    • How are humans and animals similar in what they need? How are they different?
  • Want more? Check out the Extension activities!
    • Pretend you are preparing to get a new pet. What do you need? Where will they sleep? Write a shopping list with all the things your new friend will need to be happy and healthy in their new home!
    • If you have a pet, write/draw your observations of what they do during the day. How many times do they eat? How much water do they drink? What kind of shelter do they live in?
    • Watch this video about what animals need to survive: access through :eLearning Dashboard to Discovery Education What Animals Need to Survive (you can login with your student's Google account information!)

Social Emotional Learning

Three activities are offered weekly. Click HERE to get started!

Social Studies

Learning Goal:

I can identify basic needs and wants.

Estimated Time:

10-20 minutes

Learn & Practice:

  • Watch this video about needs and wants then play a game to practice.
  • Pick one of the activities below to practice identifying needs and wants.
    • Search in your home to find 1 need and 1 want.
    • Draw a picture of something you need.
    • Draw a picture of something you want.


Learning Goal:

I can use my imagination to create and build a structure.

Estimated Time for The Week:

20 minutes

Type of Lesson:



  • Cardboard box or any box
  • Recycle material
  • Plates
  • Markers

Learn & Practice:

  1. Listen to the book Not a Box by clicking on the title of the book.
  2. Let’s build: A “NOT” a Box!
  3. Get a cardboard box, and some art supplies
  4. Make a list of ideas for your box- can it be a rocket ship, a boat, magic carpet, race car, etc.
  5. Start creating your idea with the materials you find around your house.
  6. Listen to this story as an extension to this lesson: Roxaboxen

Specials & More


Computer Science


P.E. & Health

8 Ways To Keep Learning When School Is On A Break
eResources For Learning When School Is On A Break