Week 5: May 4-8

Sample Daily Schedule

Daily Learning

Weekly Learning

Try to complete each item below by the end of the week. (The list is alphabetical. You can work on them in any order.)

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:


Learning Goal:

Students will identify the movement of matter among plants, animals, and decomposers in a variety of food chains and webs.

I can identify the flow of energy in different food webs and food chains.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1 hour

Type of Lesson:



-Biodiversity Scavenger Hunt (you can print here or you can view and then write them down on notebook paper as you go.)

-Scavenger Webquest Questions (you can print here or you can view and then write them down on notebook paper as you go.)

Background Knowledge:

Please watch the Study Jams videos on Food Chains and Food Webs to refresh your memory on what you already know about food webs and food chains.

Key Ideas:

    • Every living thing must have energy to survive.
    • Producers, consumers, and decomposers make up food chains.
    • A food chain shows the feeding relationship between organisms in an ecosystem.
    • Organisms are dependent on each other within an ecosystem.
    • A food web shows the complex feeding relationship between all organisms in an ecosystem.
    • Abiotic means nonliving whereas biotic means living.

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here! (It includes pictures for the steps below.)

  1. Go outside and use The Energy Flow Scavenger Hunt papers to find as many of the items on the list as you can. If you get to one that you do not know the answer to, it would be a great idea to write it down so that you can discuss it with your teacher this week!
  2. Use the information found on this web quest to answer the questions.
  3. Watch the video Changes in Ecosystems and test your knowledge answering the questions that follow on the quiz!
  4. If you want to share information from your lesson with your teachers, they would love to see it. You can send it through Google Classroom, Class Dojo, Seesaw, or any other platform you use.
  5. Extension:
    • Take a look at an energy pyramid and the examples in the slides. Notice the bottom of each picture is typically a producer. As humans, what level consumer we are depends on what is being eaten.
    • Draw a picture of your favorite food. Create an energy pyramid similar to what you have seen to show the number or trophic levels between your favorite meal and the producer you identified at the bottom of the pyramid. Where do you fit in the “food pyramid.”
    • It is possible that students will finish the above lesson and may still want to do additional science. In the beginning of the school year, we discussed the different phases of the moon. This would be an additional skill that would be worth reviewing. Below is a link that allows you to journal and track the phases each night. It is not required, but might be fun for the students who really enjoyed the Earth and Sun Foss unit: Moon Phase Journaling

Social Studies

Learning Objective:

I can apply my understanding of government by creating my own country and system of government.

Estimated Time: 60 minutes

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Review different forms of government.
  2. Create your own government Google Slideshow. You may use this template or create your own version on paper.
    • On Slide One: Type your name
      • Make this slide colorful by changing the colors of the background and text.
    • On Slide Two: Explain the type of government your country will follow. Use the information about the five types of governments to help you fill out slide two.
    • On Slide 3: Create your Country’s
      • Name
      • Motto (a motto is a short sentence or phrase that represents the beliefs of your country.)
      • Natural Resources (a natural resource is a resource found in nature that people use. Example: lumber, oil, plants.)
      • Climate
    • On Slide 4: Insert images of your country!
      • On your google slides go to insert, image, then hit search the web or draw a picture of what you want it to look like.
  3. Review the branches of government.
  4. Create the three branches of government for your country.
    • On Slide Five: Create your three branches of government
      • Name each branch
      • Explain what each branch is responsible for. (What jobs do they complete)
      • Then explain the requirements each member needs to be a part of that branch (age, level of education, and special skills)


Learning Goal:

The student will expand their understanding of the Four C’s of Engineering: collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication

I can think like a food scientist creating a recipe, designing, and making a new affordable dessert pizza.

Estimated Time for The Week:

40 minutes; extra 30-60 minutes if you make your own sugar cookie pizza crust


    • Option 1: Fake dessert pizza - Art supplies, building materials and/or various household items
    • Option 2: Real dessert pizza - Premade store-bought sugar cookie dough or click this Sugar Cookie dough recipe to make your own crust. Note: Add cinnamon, chocolate, or peanut butter for other crust types. Toppings: Any other ingredients like fruit, yogurt, cream cheese etc.
    • Optional handouts to print provided online at this link: Discovery Links, Handouts, and Pages:

Adventure Description:

In this adventure, you will think like a food scientist while applying to work for Slice Pizza Company. You will need to create a recipe for a new and affordable dessert pizza. It will be your job to design the pizza and come up with the budget for the pizza.

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here! (It includes pictures for the steps below.)

Click the link for a printable lesson plan, pages, handouts, links, writing extensions etc: Dessert Pizza.

1. Background (10 minutes)

    • Food scientists research new foods and how foods are made. They come up with new ways to create food and learn how to make food healthier for people. Food scientists work with companies to develop new recipes, and they are often hired to solve a specific problem that a company has identified.
    • View Discovery Links: Brittney’s Baked Goods
      • How did the food scientist solve the company’s problem?
      • Why is it advantageous (a good idea) for companies to hire a food scientist?
    • Complete Discovery Handouts: Slice Pizza Company Job Application
      • You will be a food scientist applying to work for Slice Pizza Company.
      • You are tasked with coming up with a recipe for a dessert pizza.
      • Read through the application to determine why they are hiring a food scientist.

2. Brainstorming & Planning (10 minutes)

    • Create a recipe for Slice Pizza by choosing the ingredients and creating a sketch of what the pizza looks like and/or creating a small model of the pizza.
    • Requirements for Dessert Pizza:
      • Ingredients you must include: crust, sauce, and at least 3 toppings
      • Cost for all ingredients: $5.00
      • Pizza Appearance: Not circle or square shaped and must be appetizing (look delicious)
    • View Discovery Handouts: Ingredients and Cost

3. Make a Dessert Pizza (20 minutes)

    • Now create your pizza based on your $5.00 budget!
      • Option 1: Fake dessert pizza - Use art supplies, building materials and/or various household items
      • Option 2: Real dessert pizza - Premade store-bought sugar cookie dough or click this Sugar Cookie dough recipe to make your own crust. Note: Add cinnamon, chocolate, or peanut butter for other crust types

4. Extension

    • Step into the role of marketing by naming your pizza and designing a logo to promote sales. Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses.
    • Step into the role of advertising by creating a commercial, radio or print ad to promote your new dessert pizza. Advertisers create their ads to persuade the target audience to buy, think, or do something; and they put their ads where the target audience is likely to see them. Advertisers use print, images, radio, tv, and online resources.
    • Complete Writing Extensions to create a comic strip about an adventure that happened while you were making a dessert pizza.

If you want to, you can document your experience as you go and upload your work through photos or video to Class Dojo, Seesaw, Google Classroom, or whatever format you are using for your teachers to see!

Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!

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