Week 2: April 13-17

Sample Daily Schedule

Daily Learning

Weekly Learning

Try to complete each item below by the end of the week. (The list is alphabetical. You can work on them in any order.)

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:

Motor Skills

Three activities are offered weekly. Click HERE to get started!


Learning Goal: Needs of Plants

I can describe how the amount of water and sunlight affects how a plant grows.

Estimated Time for The Week:

20-30 minutes

Type of Lesson:



  • 3 of the same beans (either - lima, pinto, etc.)
  • 3 paper towels
  • 3 small baggies
  • Device with Internet connection
  • Paper
  • Journal
  • Pencil

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here! For a video of a teacher narrating the Google Slides, click here!

  1. Watch this video: Plants with varying factors
    • Watch as these plants grow using varying amounts of water and sunlight.
  2. Practice
    • Collect the 3 beans, 3 paper towels, and 3 small baggies.
    • Dampen 2 of the paper towels.
    • Place one bean inside each folded paper towel.
    • Place each bean and paper towel inside each baggie.
    • Lay one of the dampened bean bags in a dark area.
    • Place the other 2 baggies in 2 different sunlit areas.
  3. Choose from the following challenges:
    • Keep a daily plant journal and log changes you see in the 4 beans.
    • Create a chart listing the different variables of the beans in each baggie.
    • Draw a picture of any changes you are observing daily with your beans.
  4. Predict
    • What do you think would happen if the bean plant didn’t have water?
    • What do you think would happen if the bean plant didn’t have sunlight?
    • Which plant do you think will grow best?
  5. Watch your seeds grow!
    • If your child needs a video of the directions or does not have the necessary materials, please skip to watching this helpful video to watch seeds grow!
  6. Reflect
    • What differences and similarities are you observing in your beans?
    • Did the amount of sunlight affect the growth of each plant?
    • Share your answer in a journal, video, or on a Post-It note.

Social Emotional Learning

Three activities are offered weekly. Click HERE to get started!

Social Studies

Learning Goal:

I can describe the difference between supply and demand.

Estimated Time for The Week:

20 minutes

Materials: electronic device, paper, pencil, crayons or markers, glue or tape, string (if needed)

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Watch this video to learn about Producers and Consumers
  2. Practice:
    • Create a good to “sell”. Your good should be made from any type of paper. Use crayons or markers to color the paper along with glue, tape and or string to assemble as needed. Be sure to include a price. Be creative. Make 5-7 of this item. Ideas might include kites, handsoap, flowers, video games, etc.
    • Who is your consumer?
    • How much are you charging for each good?
    • Will there be high demand for your good?
    • How will you sell your product successfully as we ‘shelter in place’?
  3. Reflection
    • What made this difficult?
    • What made this easy?
    • What changes, if any, did you have to make to sell this product successfully during ‘shelter in place’?


Learning Goal:

I can construct a bridge to hold up to 100 pennies for at least 30 seconds.

Estimated Time for The Week:

20-30 minutes

Type of Lesson:

Engineering and Math


  • Household materials such as: straws, tape, index cards/paper, scissors, and pennies (or any coins you may have).

Learn & Practice:

  1. Before you build, brainstorm and draw three different designs that you think will work for building your bridge. Keep in mind that they must hold at least 100 pennies or coins for at least 30 seconds.
  2. Discuss your design with a family member before building your bridge.
  3. Choose which design you feel will work best for the challenge.
  4. Construct your bridge.
  5. Place your pennies on top of your bridge to see if it meets the 100 penny challenge and time it for 30 seconds. Does your bridge hold 100 pennies and meet the time requirement?

Optional Extension Activity: Try using different coins or test one of your other designs!

Specials & More


Computer Science


P.E. & Health

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eResources For Learning When School Is On A Break