Week 1: April 6-10

Sample Daily Schedule

Daily Learning

Weekly Learning

Try to complete each item below by the end of the week. (The list is alphabetical. You can work on them in any order.)

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:

Motor Skills

Three activities are offered weekly. Click HERE to get started!


Learning Goal: Needs of Plants

I can describe whether plants need sunlight and water to grow.

Estimated Time for The Week:

20-30 minutes

Type of Lesson:

Needs of Plants


  • Electronic device with Internet
  • Paper
  • Pencil

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Read One Bean
    1. Follow the progress of the bean
  2. Practice
    1. What do plants need to survive?
    2. What were the three stages of the bean plant?
    3. Draw a picture for each stage.
  3. Research
    1. Pebblego Plants
      1. Username: engaged
      2. Password: learning
  4. Reflect
    1. What did you know about plants before today’s lesson?
    2. How do plants change as they grow?
    3. Share your answer in a journal, video, or on a post-it note.
  5. Plan for next week
    1. If you are able to...Collect the following materials for next week’s lesson!
      1. 3 of the same beans (either - lima, pinto, etc.)
      2. 3 paper towels
      3. 3 small baggies
  6. Additional Activities
    1. Click the link to request your free access to brainpop Plants

Discovery Education Plants

Social Emotional Learning

Three activities are offered weekly. Click HERE to get started!

Social Studies

Learning Goal:

I can describe the difference between supply and demand.

Estimated Time:

20 minutes

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here.

    • Watch this video to learn about supply and demand.
    • Make a list of supplies that your family could not get at the grocery store.
    • Listen to the story, Lemons and Lemonade. Identify the problem and solution in the story. What is the author’s main purpose? Talk to someone in your family about the story.
    • Reflect on the story.
      • Why do you think the items not found in the grocery stores were not available?
      • What are two things you learned and one question you still have about supply and demand?
      • Share your answer in a journal, video, or on a post-it note.


Learning Goals:

I can use the scientific method in an experiment.

I can use a nonstandard unit of measurement to see how far paper airplanes can fly.

Estimated Time for The Week:

20-30 minutes

Type of Lesson:



  • Three different types of paper (newspaper, printer paper, and junk mail)
  • Non-standard measurement tool (examples include crayon, marker, pencil, paper clip, hand, feet, etc.)

Learn & Practice:

Students will use the scientific method to construct three different airplanes and use a nonstandard unit of measurement (for example: crayons) to measure the distance traveled by each plane. Students can determine which paper worked best!

  1. Question: Which airplane will fly the farthest and why?
  2. Research: Check out the basic dart design link below or use another design to construct your airplane. Basic Dart design
  3. Hypothesis (idea or explanation that you then test through study and experimentation): I think ______ paper will make my airplane fly the furthest.
  4. Experiment: Construct your three different airplanes and fly each of them.
  5. Collect Data: Use a nonstandard unit of measurement to measure the distance. (Nonstandard could be using your feet from where you started to where the plane landed). Record your data using a t-chart, one side showing which paper you used and the other side showing the distance it flew.
  6. Analysis: Compare your types of paper and how far each airplane flew. Which paper worked best?
  7. Conclusion: Explain why you think which airplane flew the furthest!

Specials & More


Computer Science


P.E. & Health

8 Ways To Keep Learning When School Is On A Break
eResources For Learning When School Is On A Break