Hive Care

Each person in your family plays a role in keeping your family healthy and strong. When we look after ourselves, we are better able to cope with life’s challenges and support each other.

Here are some fun self-care activities for families to enjoy together.

At home activities brought The Fathering Project

Ready for an adventure? The Fathering Project has shared lots of great home-based family activities to help with the lockdown boredom. There’s fun to be had no matter which activity you choose.

Kindness - Zanni Louise and Missy Turner .mp4

Kindness by Zanni Louise

Kindness is being generous with our words, our actions and our heart. Acts of kindness can be big or small. We can be kind to others, and to ourselves too. It feels good to be kind, and kindness makes others feel good too. There are many ways to be kind

Mindful Scavenger Hunt @ Home

Have a go searching your house for some of these things. It might take some time to find them all. Afterwards why not create a collection of your treasures.

Self Esteem Bucket

Create a 'self-esteem bucket' and list all the things that fill you up. Sometimes things cause our bucket to have leaks and that's okay... Use this tool to find out some ways to mend the holes.

Needing some extra talking topics for your family? Try these and see where the conversation leads.