General Wellbeing

Check out the below information about a wide range of different topics, including:

Alcohol & Drugs, Anger, Body Image & Eating Disorders, Bullying & Cyberbullying, Cultural Identity, Exercise & Eating Well, Family Issues, Friendships, Gender Identity, Grief & Loss, LGBTQI+ Issues, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Sex & Sexual Health, Sleep, Work & Money.

There are links to different websites and services that can help you with each of these different areas. If you can think of anything we should add, let us know!

Student Support Google Classroom

Don't forget to join our Student Support Google Classroom. There will be regular updates and supports services provided through this platform. We will also generate daily discussions on fun topics. You can also use the Google Classroom to connect to the Student Support Officer via Google Meet. Join us now!

Alcohol & Drugs

Do alcohol and drugs have an impact on your life? Whether it is you or someone you know, the below information can help you when it comes to making decisions about alcohol and drugs or supporting someone else with alcohol and drug issues. Don't forget that Cohen from Ted Noffs comes in every Tuesday afternoon to do one-on-one sessions with students regarding alcohol and other drugs. Let us know if you are keen to see him!

There is heaps of info on this Reach Out page about Drugs & Alcohol.

Headspace has got lots of useful resources on this page about alcohol and other drugs.

This ACT Government page has some links to alcohol and drug services in Canberra.

Facts, advice, resources and an info and counselling phone line.

Free counselling - 24/7

This Australian Government website has some great information about your health & the law.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation. You can contact Ted Noffs for advice & support.


Do you feel angry? Is anger something that has started to impact your mental health and relationships? Take a look at some of the below websites with links to information about anger and anger management.

Anger management tips for males.

Australian Government health advice relating to anger management.

Check out this Headspace page for information about the feeling of anger.

Reach Out has some articles here about dealing with anger.

Body Image & Eating Disorders

If you have been struggling with your body image and self esteem, check out some of the resources and links below. Please don't forget to reach out to us if you need some additional support with your body image and self-esteem.

A page dedicated to helping you with your body image.

There is HEAPS of articles on this webpage about body image.

Body Image facts & resources.

Beyond Blue Body Image information.

Bullying & Cyberbullying

Bullying has been a major issue for a long time, but these days we have the added contribution of cyberbullying. If you are being bullied or cyberbullied, or you're wondering whether your behaviour could be considered to be bullying or cyberbullying, have a look at the below information through the links provided.

Australian Government cyberbullying support.

What is cyberbullying and how to get help.

Cyberbullying information from the Australian Government.

Reach out information and support for Cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying information from Kids Helpline.

Support and advice for what to do about bullying.

Information, advice and support for bullying.

Cultural Identity

Need some help connecting with your cultural identity? Check out some of the below websites for support!

Australia's national institution dedicated to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history.

Promoting and facilitating positive relationships with the Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Information and support for cultural identity.

Information and support for developing your cultural identity in Australia.

Exercise & Eating Well

Did you know, that exercise and food have a huge impact on our mental health and wellbeing?! Particularly during lockdown. Make sure that you are getting at least 30 minutes of exercise every day and ensure your food is nutritious, but also makes you happy! Do you need some help in the area of exercise and eating well? Check out the below resources!

Information about exercise, food and our mental health.

Exercise for a healthy brain.

Exercising your way to a health headspace.

Exercise and mental health.

Exercise and mental health.

Exercising your way to a better mental health during Covid-19.

Physical activity and exercise guidelines for young people.

Eating for health - an Australian Government resource.

Family issues

Families come in all different shapes and sizes. Families are complicated and issues often arise in our families. Family issues could include break-up, separation or divorce, family violence, family conflict, pressure from our parents to achieve,

Information about how to deal with family separation, break up or divorce.

Heaps of different articles and information about family issues.

Domestic Violence Crisis Service - if you are experiencing family violence at home.

Child Youth Protection Services (CYPS) can support children at risk of DFV.

Confidential counselling and support for sexual assault and family violence.

Dealing with and responding to Family Conflict.


Navigating friendships as a teenager can be a tricky time. Our friendships constantly change and develop over time. As we get older, we grow and develop and we really figure out who we are, what we stand for and who we want to keep around us as friends. Sometimes friendships don't last forever, and that's OK! But if this is an area that you find you need some help in, check out the resources below as they have some great information about friendships.

Lots of articles about friendships, meeting new people, communication and more!

Information on how to make friends.

Gender Identity

Gender Identity is how you perceive your gender, how you show this to others and how you want other to treat you. Gender identity is not simple, and there are a range of different gender identities that are now recognised. If you need some help and support in this area, check out some of the below websites that might be able to help you discover your gender identity. Don't forget we have a diversity and allies group at TLPS that is run by Mrs Consola. Feel free to join at any time!

Anonymous and free LGBTQI+ support, advice and counselling.

A Canberra based service supporting intersex, trans and gender diverse people.

Lots of articles, stories and information about 'gender'.

What is gender identity?

Grief & Loss

We can all experience grief and loss throughout our lives and it can occur when we lose someone or something important to us. We all experience grief differently, depending on our age, culture, gender, past experiences or belief systems. If you have lost someone or something recently, and you are experiencing some grief and loss, check out the below websites and resources that might be able to help you on this journey.

A fact sheet on understanding grief and loss.

Articles and Information about grief and loss.

How to cope when you lose a loved one.

Information about grief and loss.

LGBTQI+ Issues

Looking for LGBTQIA+ resources? We have found heaps for you! Don't forget that we have a diversity and allies group at TLPS that is run by Mrs Consola. Anyone diverse students and their allies are welcome at this group. When we are physically at school., this group meets on Tuesday at lunch times in the Spanish room. This is a safe and welcoming space for all diverse students and we can't wait to see you there!

An extensive list of all the LGBTQI+ support services available in Australia.

Another great list of support services available to LGBTQI+ people in Australia.

Anonymous and free counselling and support service available 24/7.

The champions for LGBTQIA+ youth!

Another very useful page with a list of all the available LGBTQI+ services in Australia.

Mental Health resources for LGBTQI+ people.

LGBTQI+ community services in Sydney and the wider Australian community.

Mental Health

You will find some of these links in many places across this website, but just in case you missed them, see the below websites for a wide range of mental health supports.


Beyond Blue

Reach Out

Black Dog Institute

Kids Helpline


Mens Line

Suicide Call Back Service

SANE Australia.

Q Life


Blue Knot

Head to Health

Open Arms

Butterfly Foundation

Mental Health Online


Mindfulness is a really useful tool to use, and there are so many different ways to practice mindfulness. There are some Apps linked below that you can download. There is also things you can do like mindful colouring and breathing. There are so many great YouTube videos out there that also help us with mindfulness. We have attached some below. Give it a go!

Smiling Mind App

Headspace App

Calm App

Colour Mandalas

Calm Breathing Exercise

Box Breathing Exercise

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - Mindfulness Exercise

5-minute Meditation

Sex & Sexual Health

Sex and sexual health are a normal part of life. But it is important that you have enough information to make informed decisions about your sexual health. See below for some useful resources in this area.

Information and sex, sexuality, and sexual health.

Relationships and sex advice, support and information.

More information regarding sex and sexual health.


Sleep is such an important element to good health and wellbeing. You should be aiming for 8-10 hours of sleep every night! If you need some information or support with sleeping, check out the useful resources below.

Some useful information about sleep.

Sleep tips for children and young people.

Lots of articles about sleep from Reach Out.

A fact sheet from headspace about teenagers and sleep.

Work & Money

Have you got a job? Or are you looking for a job? Check out some of the below resources and information about work and money.

Information about young workers in the ACT.

Heaps of articles related to work and money thanks to Reach Out. has some information about your rights at work.

Information for young workers in the ACT aged under 25 years.